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Sephardim-New Mexico

"Yo Soy Quien Soy."
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"Some US Hispanics Trace Their Jewish Past They Discover roots in the Sephardic Jews of Spain through DNA Testing." by Amy Green, The Christian Science Monitor, December 29, 2008 (This article was also printed in the Santa Fe New Mexican Newspaper same date). October 2008 issue of the Smithsonian Magazine "The 'Secret Jews' of San Luis Valley" by Jeff Wheelwright, photographs by Scott S. Warren "New Mexico's Crypto-Jews" by Carey Herz, University of New Mexico Press, December 2007. "Abraham's Children - Race, Identity, the DNA of the Chosen People." by Jon Entine, Grand Central Publishing, October 2007. Articles concerning this Project: Associated Press Article: "Hispanic New Mexicans Intrigued by Hints of A Hidden Jewish Past" by AP Reporter Matt Crenson. December 10, 2006. Article ran in Albuquerque Journal and Tribune, Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times, Kansas City Star, Odessa, Texas American, and several other Newspapers throughout the country. Denver Post, March 05, 2006, "'Hidden Jews' traced to N.M. Catholicism." by Electa Draper. NEWSWEEK "In Our Blood - DNA Testing..." by Claudia Kalb, February 06, 2006 issue. "Hispanics Uncovering Roots as Inquisition's 'Hidden' Jews" by Simon Romero, The New York Times, Religion Section, Saturday, October 29, 2005. "Can DNA Reveal Your Roots?" TIME Magazine, July 11, 2005, by Anita Hamilton. "Science and Spirit Magazine" May-June 2005 p.20 by Ami Albernaz; 'Que Pasa, Moshe?' "DNA Clears the Fog Over Latino Links to Judaism in New Mexico" Sunday, December 05, 2004, Los Angeles Times, by David Kelly, Times Staff Writer. (This article was re-printed in over 20 other American city Newspapers.) "Many Hispanics Discovering Their Jewish Roots from Colonial Spain" Sept. 2004 Catholic News Service, by Agostino Bono. "Conversos Come Back," Moment Magazine, June 2004,p. 38, by Lisa Alcalay Klug. "Mah Nishma - Of Sparks that Glow in the Dark" by Rabbi Boaz Heilman, B'NAI Torah Congregation, December 2004. "An interesting story in the Boston Globe the other day caught my eye ... describes the discovery by the Rev. William Sanchez that he was of Jewish origin. And not merely run-of-the-mill Jews, but of the 'Cohanim,' or priestly sect, descendants of the priests who served at the Temple in Jerusalem before it was destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 C.E. ... It is so that a large group of hidden-Jews found a home in New Mexico (it was the Unversity of New Mexico that republished Dr. Martin Cohen's, Hebrew Union College Professor, "The Martyr" in 2001, concerning Luis Carvajal's execution by the Inquisition of Mexico City, December 08, 1596.) For so many years kept a secret even from their own, individuals were now beginning to rediscover their ancestry. Some have chosen to continue practicing their accustomed lives, satisfied just with the fuller understanding of their self-perceived differences. Others have gone further and, having explored their roots, returned to Judaism and now practice it openly. Their stories are enough to send shivers down anyone's spine. As I write these words, today is the last day of Hanukkah. Last night I looked at the eight candles of the menorah that was lit in our Sanctuary. I had turned off all the other lights and gazed at the clear and steady light these candles produced. A few feet above them hovered the blue glow of our eternal light. ... The Hanukkah miracle has assumed a much wider scope for me in the last few years. I now recognize that it stands not only for that little can that supplied eight day's of oil, but for the spark that somehow remains embedded in us despite all the hardship and persecution we as individuals and as a people have long endured. One never knows under what circumstances that spark catches. It may be centuries after becoming deeply and secretly embedded in our souls. In the case of the Rev. Sanchez, the spark was hidden in his DNA and revealed only by the most modern scientific technology. I never cease to wonder at the intensity of this spark that refuses to die. What makes it survive and last? Short of any scientific or rational explanation, I can only conclude that it must be a miracle. The fear is still there, fed by uncertainty and by custom. But with each new discovery such as that made by Rev. Sanchez, I can only be encouraged that perhaps we are seeing the dawn of a new age for our people, an age of greater self-awareness and pride. For me, this means delving even deeper into my heritage in an effort to understand not only who I am, but for what purpose I exist. The meaning of my life certainly is rooted in this rich and fertile ground."