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O Y-Haplogroup

  • 507 members

About us

<24.06.2007> Members who have Ysearch entries are strongly encouraged to update their entries when new results arrive--either additional marker (STR) panels or haplogroup (SNP) tests. When new results arrive, your Y-DNA Matches tab will usually offer a hyperlink to upload the new results semi-automatically. Clicking the hyperlink opens a new window; you enter your Ysearch password and click the Edit button, the upload proceeds, and then you click the Save button to save your updated entry. If, on occasion, no such hyperlink appears on your Y-DNA Matches tab, you can still update your Ysearch entry manually, by clicking the Ysearch icon in your FTDNA account to create a new window and then choosing "Edit An Existing User". ------------------------<23.05.2007> There are few news on Y-DNA Haplogroup O Project! 1. New SNP results have been posted for some Kits, a members of Y-DNA Haplogroup O Project (Family Tree DNA Group O3). Please see your personal pages and 2. The unique opportunity to order the new test - SNP I hope will appeare soon. SNP test go deeper into O Haplogroup. The Haplogroup test will test a single SNP, to determine which haplogroup, or major branch of the tree, a male belongs to. Unfortunately, the test will be made only at presence of several interested persons, as I think. What we can do? With this purpose, you can send me applications for carrying out for yourselves SNP test. After accumulation of the certain number of applications I shall transfer the list to managament of FTDNA. You can send applications to the my email. In the letter it is necessary to specify your full name, number of your Kit and addresss of your email. The cost of the test will be informed later, but more likely the price of it will be comparable to the price of SNP tests for others haplogroups. So, may be, if we collect several "wishes" we will get a posibility to make an order for SNP test for O3 members... Let's try! 3. The special forum for O haplogroups is created. This forum is closed for participants of other projects. Members of the Y-DNA Haplogroup O Project can visit this forum only. You have now a link on your personal page. If you have already registered a username for the Family Tree DNA forum so you can use this same name on O3 forum. If any members have not registered yet they will need to do so. You are welcome to email me (or Leah Wark - the username and password and Leah Wark will set it up on yours behalf. At a new forum all of us can communicate and set any questions to learn more about our haplogroup. Do not hesitate to create new themes and to set even silly (in your opinion) questions. ---

In plans for the future there is a manufacturing a special site for representatives of clan O2 (and it is possible for all O Haplogroup)

---O3 Y-DNA Haplogroup Forum (in Russian)O Y-DNA Haplogroup Forum (in English)O3/M122 Y-DNA Haplogroup FTDNA Forum (in English)Siberia-Transbaikalia FTDNA Forum (in English)