Our Gene Trees FF

  • 356 members

About us

Assumption: All project members share the same goal: To discover the genetic basis for our traditional genealogy; that is, to confirm accuracy and relatedness to our ancestral tree through DNA testing.

This page is intended to report actual case studies based on DNA and traditional genealogy research. The results shown are proven connections to an MRCA (most recent common ancestor) for the DNA testees (initials only are shown). The project member's name is shown in the heading for the Case Study. That person matches all the others shown. I hope all project members will submit their own proven relationships for posting here. 

Case Study 1 - Doris Wheeler (DW)

ML - sister

RC - 2nd cousin, maternal line, MRCA = Jacob W. and Catherine Shirts Coon

JW – ½ 1st cousin 1R, maternal line, MRCA = Evina Worden (DW and ML); and Goodrich (JW)

BW - 3rd cousin 1R, maternal line, MRCA = Samuel Montross and Catherine Southard Worden

GD - 4th cousin 2R, maternal line, MRCA = Benjamin and Sarah Frost Worden

PH - 5th cousin 1R, maternal line, MRCA = Johannes Tipple and Catharina Henrich

JB - 4th cousin, maternal line, MRCA = Noel La Bonte and Evina Schryver 

BB - Unknown but to La Bonte ancestral line

Work in progress...