Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 483 members

About us

The purpose of the Pace DNA Project is to determine the possible relationships between different Pace family lines worldwide. The Pace DNA Project was initially begun by the Pace Society of America ( in 2002. While many of the Society's members are Pace descendants of English descent, along with some of German descent (the Pees/Pace surname), Paces of all nationalities are welcome in the project.

The project's priorities are:

1) To determine possible relationships between Pace descendants, worldwide
2) To seek submissions of Paces of other nationalities besides English (German, Italian)
3) To assist Paces not sure of their lineage to determine which Pace line they may or may not belong to.
4) To seek evidence as to which English line of Paces Richard Pace of Jamestown might have belonged

MAJOR FINDING 1: The original, main goal of the project was to determine whether there was a genetic relationship between Richard Pace of Jamestown, VA and John Pace of Middlesex Co., VA. Y-chromosome (YDNA) testing has verified that the two Pace men are NOT related. To see the chart, go to the DNA Results link on this page.

MAJOR FINDING 2: A yDNA match was found between the John Pace of Middlesex Co. VA Paces and a Pace participant from Canada whose Pace lineage in England was known. Research in English records has found a likely birth record and the parents of John Pace of Middlesex.

AUTOSOMAL DNA TESTING: The Pace DNA project is now accepting autosomal DNA results (FamilyFinder or transfer results) for anyone with Pace ancestry. The Pace DNA project currently has 60 Family Finder results. (December 2017)

The Pace DNA Project welcomes donations to the General Fund to assist in purchasing or upgrading DNA tests for other project members. Any amount is appreciated. Donations for the Pace General Fund can be made through the button on this page. For more information, see: "How do I contribute to a group project’s general fund?" (

NOTE: If you are viewing this project description on the iGENEA website, the project is NOT affiliated with that company. You do NOT have to order a test through them. You should order a DNA kit directly from Family Tree DNA and you can join the Pace Family DNA project at this link for free: