
  • 140 members

About us

This project represents the history of the Shawnee Bluejacket family. The members descend from Blue Jacket, who was the last war chief of the Shawnee Tribe of Indians. The tribe had five divisions upon discovery by modern Europeans in about 1669 and Pelowi was one of the dividions. Blue Jacket was the name given by early traders who recorded their trades with the Blue Jacket family. His given name was Se-pet-te-ke-na-the, Big Rabbit, which he changed to Waweyapiersenwaw, a whirlpool, about 1777. We invite the myriad of Blue Jacket's descendants. Other Shawnee families wnee fmilys are welome as this project may be a template for them. Also, other Native American tribes may closely related to the Shawnees.,