Piast dynasty

  • 122 members

About us

The Piast Dynasty is the first historical dynasty in Poland. After the death of Casimir the Great, the ruling dynasties changed several times, but until the beginning of the 18th century, some local principalities were ruled by the Piasts. The male line of the Piasts expired, but many descendants came from marriages of daughters from this dynasty. Currently, we invite such descendants of the Piasts to add their DNA test results to the Piast Dynasty Project. There is only one limitation: you have to show the line in Roglo, or in other genealogical databases, a connection through ancestors from the person who wants to join the Piast Project - to the rulers of the Piast dynasty. After the publication of the Piast Y-DNA haplogroup and the final subclade, we will invite to the Piast Dynasty Project present-time living people whose Y-DNA will match the ancient Y-DNA of the Piast dynasty. http://roglo.eu/roglo?m=NG&n=&fn=&sn=Piast
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