About us
Goals for 2021-2022
2 March 2021
1. Run the Big Y test on at least 3 males with Pulliam surnames or close Y-matches to further expand our knowledge of our Y-haplogroups
The majority of our current Y-chromosome members are in the R-M269 Y-haplogroup. By chance we have identified a sub-group of R-M269, Y-haplogroup R-FT99418, in common between me and another member (unknown relation until now) that we can trace back eight generations (Thomas Pullum/Pulliam in Virginia/Kentucky). I'd like to expand our knowledge of the Pulliam Y-haplogroup(s) by running the Big Y on a few Pulliam males who either trace their lineage back to Edward Augustus Pullum b. c. 1600 or who I've added to the "R-FT99418 (expected)" subgroup.
2. Increase the number of members to 100 or more (double it)
3. Create a network of Pulliam/Pullum genealogists and spread the word about this project
Some websites I have worked on or with lately:
-Shawn D. Pullum (Oklahoma-Kentucky Pullums/Pulliams)
2 March 2021
1. Run the Big Y test on at least 3 males with Pulliam surnames or close Y-matches to further expand our knowledge of our Y-haplogroups
The majority of our current Y-chromosome members are in the R-M269 Y-haplogroup. By chance we have identified a sub-group of R-M269, Y-haplogroup R-FT99418, in common between me and another member (unknown relation until now) that we can trace back eight generations (Thomas Pullum/Pulliam in Virginia/Kentucky). I'd like to expand our knowledge of the Pulliam Y-haplogroup(s) by running the Big Y on a few Pulliam males who either trace their lineage back to Edward Augustus Pullum b. c. 1600 or who I've added to the "R-FT99418 (expected)" subgroup.
2. Increase the number of members to 100 or more (double it)
3. Create a network of Pulliam/Pullum genealogists and spread the word about this project
Some websites I have worked on or with lately:
- http://historicpulliamcemetery.com (USA Georgia Pulliams)
- https://pullum.one-name.net (UK and Ireland Pullums)
- WikiTree Pullum Genealogy
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/pulliampullum (Facebook group for this project)
- https://www.pullum.family/shawn (USA Oklahoma/Kentucky/Virginia Pullums; my personal genealogy website)
-Shawn D. Pullum (Oklahoma-Kentucky Pullums/Pulliams)