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Quraysh & Banu-Hashem

  • 955 members

About us

This project intends to track down individuals, and their Y-DNA kits, who tested positive for FGC8712, L859, FGC8703, FGC10500, FGC30416, CTS8308, FGC8702, A20302, ZS2094, FGC9581, ZS10833, FGC54257, BY49997, Z28962, FGC10502, ZS5448, ZS2121, ZS2102, and/or L615 markers. 

This projects concluded that:
* L859+ individuals are descendants of Quraysh tribe
* FGC8703+ individuals are descendants of Hashem clan
* FGC10500+ individuals are descendants of Imam Ali (A.S.)

Project blog:

Below is the most updated phylogenetic tree of the Quraysh (& FGC8712) Project:

Hashem tribe emerged in west Arabia (Hijaz) and migrated to the south (Yemen) or to the north east (Levant, Mesopotamia, & Persia). Sayeds & Sahrifs with well known lines of succession tested positive for L859 and FGC10500 markers. Here is the statistical and geographical distribution of current Quarshi, Hashemi, and Alawite kits:

A Y-STR model of Imam Ali bin abi-Taleb (A.S.) was generated based on the 100+ available Alawite kits:

FGC8712 and its downstream SNPs are defined as a branch of the greater J1 phylogenetic tree (characterized by the M267 SNP-marker):

Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismael (Ishmael), Ishac (Isaac), Haroon (Aaron), and Mohamad (PBUH&P) are considered major forefathers in the J1 phylogenetic tree. Today, many groups and families claim to be direct male-descendants of these respected forefathers but they find themselves positioned in distant genetic lines and periods. Thus far, FGC8712 is the only SNP that maintain two parallel descending lines with: one line is 100% Ishamelite-Adnanite (~300 kits) and the other one is 100% Jacobite (~45 kits). The age of FGC8712 subclade is believed to be between 3400 and 4200 yBP (years before present).

Therefore, individuals who tested positive for this respected Y genetic marker (FGC8712) are encouraged to join the Quraysh & Bani Hashem project.

To browse all Y-SNPs and understand their positions on the Y-DNA chromosome, please use the ISOGG YBrowse Tool: