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R1a - L1280 Project

  • 209 members

About us

L1280 is a subclade of haplogroup R1a-Z280. It is widely spread over most parts of Europe, with peaks in Poland, Russian Federation, East Germany, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Slovakia. There are four subclades under L1280: FGC11555, FGC19283, Y5647 and FTD54883. Most likely, there are more subclades (predicted based on STRs) that we try to discover. If you have been tested positive for L1280 or you have been predicted to be L1280+ in other projects, please join us. You can also join us if you show at least 3 out of 4 following STR results: DYS19 = 17, DYS385b = 13, DYS439 = 11; DYS464a = 13, and we will tell you whether you are indeed a potential member of clade L1280.
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