About us
JULY 2015
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch Z280:
- YP1144 - SNP under "Volga Carpathian" cluster under: Y33-> CTS8816-> Y2902-> Y3219 (brother clade of Y3222)
- YP1147 - SNP for "Finnish" cluster under: Z280-> CTS1211 (brother clade of YP343, Y35, YP1019, YP1034)
- YP1260 - SNP under "Eastern Slavic/Baltic" cluster under: Z92-> Y4459-> YP569-> YP682 (brother clade of YP685, YP1696)
JUNE 2015
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch Z280:
- YP1034 - SNP under Z280-> CTS1211 (brother clade of YP343, Y35, YP1019, YP1147)
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP444 - SNP under L1029 (parent of YP445)
- YP418 - main SNP under L1029->YP417 (parent of YP728, YP1013)
- YP1183 - SNP under YP515
- YP870 - SNP under L260->YP254->Y4135
project reached 3500 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
- YP1051 is equivalent(?) of YP1041 and can be tested by people negative for marker M417 (but positive for M198)
Branch M458:
* YP1136 - small subclade under L1029 -> YP593
Branch Z280:
* YP940 - SNP for subclade under "East Pomeranian" clade L365 -> YP243 -> YP389
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP728 - under YP417->YP418 (sibling of YP1013)
- YP1013 - under YP417->YP418 (sibling of YP728)
Branch Z280:
* (CTS3402)
- Y6956 - downstream from YP269 (subclade of "East Pomeranian" L365 cluster)
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP590 - under YP414 close to YP589 lvl (negative for YP610)
- YP610 - under YP414 brother clade of YP589/YP590
- YP616 - equivalent to Y2905 (under YP254 clade, sibling of Y4135 and YP414)
- YP654 - under YP256 lvl & brother clade to YP254
- Z2945 - Previously thought to be downstream from L1029, current usefulness unclear
Branch Z280:
* (CTS3402)
- YP315 - downstream from S18681 (but upstream from YP314)
- YP611 - downstream from L1280 (brother subclade of FGC19283 & FGC11555)
- FGC19283 - downstream from L1280, sibling of FGC11555 and YP611
- Y3219 – downstream from Y2902, sibling of Y2910, Y4379, and CTS11142, upstream from Y3220 and Y3222
- YP677 - downstream from "Pomeranian" L365 clade (brother clade of YP243)
- S799 - equivalent to YP677 (under L365)
* (Z92):
- YP576 - "Eastern Slavic" branch marker - equivalen of YP569(?)
- YP612 - smaller subclade of "Eastern Slavic" under: YP569>YP682
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP618 - subclade of L448->YP355
Branch Z93:
- YP639 - subclade of Z2122->Y57 branch (brother clade of Y52)
- Y52 - downstream from Z2122->Y57, sibling of YP639
- Y2742 - equivalent (so far) to Y2630 (under CTS6)
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch CTS4385:
- M2747 - SNP downstream from S3477
- YP282 - SNP downstream from S2894 (parallel to S2880)
- YP442 - SNP downstream from YP282 (parallel to YP441 and CTS5768)
- YP438 - SNP downstream from S2894>S2880
Branch M458:
- YP589 - SNP downstream from YP414
- YP515 - SNP downstream from CTS11962 (parallel to L1029)
- YP593 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263, YP416, YP417 and YP445)
Branch Z280:
- YP569 - SNP downstream from Y4459
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- S4458 - SNP downstream from Z284 and upstream S5301>L448 (parallel to YP556 and Z287)
- YP386 - SNP downstream from CTS4179 and upstream YP383 (parallel toYP276, CTS3390)
- YP280 - SNP downstream from L176.1, YP275 and upstream YP507, YP330
Branch Z93:
- Y23592 - SNP downstream from Z2124 and upstream S23201 (parallel to Z2122 and Z2125)
- YP413 - SNP downstream from Z2125 (parallel to Z2123)
- YP639 - SNP downstream from Y57
JULY 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch CTS4385:
- S3477 - SNP downstream from L664 (parallel to S2894 and S2857)
- YP547 - SNP downstream from S3477
- S2894 - SNP downstream from L664 (parallel to S3477 and S2857)
- YP360 - SNP downstream from S2857>S2858 (parallel to S2859)
Branch M458:
- YP417 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263, YP416 and YP445)
- YP517 - SNP downstream from YP416
Branch Z280:
- Y4459 - SNP downstream from Z92 (parallel to Z685)
- Z685 - SNP downstream from Z92 (parallel to Y4459)
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP556 - SNP downstream from Z284 and upstream CTS4027 (parallel to L448 and Z287)
- YP355 - SNP downstream from L448 (parallel to CTS4179)
- YP507 - SNP downstream from L176.1 (parallel to YP330>YP327>YP326)
- YP383 - SNP downstream from CTS4179>YP386 (YP386 is parallel to YP276, CTS3390)
- YP398 - SNP downstream from CTS8401 (parallel to Z281)
Branch Z93:
- Z2125 - SNP downstream from Z2124 and upstream Z2123 (parallel to Z2122 and YP349)
- YP526 - SNP downstream from YP520
JUNE 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP445 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parrallel to YP263, YP263, YP416, YP417)
- YP414 - SNP downstream from YP254 (parallel to Y2905)
- YP415 - SNP downstream from Y2905
- Y4135 - SNP downstream from YP254 (parallel to Y2905 and YP414)
- YP416 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263 and YP445)
Branch Z280:
- Y2613 - SNP downstream from CTS3402 (disjoint from CTS8816 and YP237)
- FGC10355 - SNP downstream from Y2902 (disjoint from Y2910)
- YFS052695 - SNP downstream from Y2902 (disjoint from Y2910)
- Y2609 - SNP downstream from Y2613
- Y2608 - SNP downstream from Y2609
- YP243 - SNP upstream from YP269 and YP389 (probably downstream from L365)
- YP314 - SNP downstream from S18681 (upstream from YP331)
- YP350 - SNP downstream from YP270 and Y1401
- YP469 - SNP downstream from S24902
- YP371 - SNP downstream of YP340 (same level as YP380)
- YP389 - SNP downstream from YP243 (parallel to YP269)
- YP419 - SNP downstream from YP237 (parallel to YP234)
- YFS137565 - SNP downstream from YP419 (perhaps defines a group "YP419-A")
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP276 - SNP downstream of CTS4179 (upstream from L176.1)
- YP275 - SNP downstream of YP276 (same level as L176.1)
- YP326 - SNP downstream of YP275 (upstream from L175)
- CLD12 - SNP downstream of YP326 (parallel to L175)
Branch Z93:
- YFS102022 - SNP downstream from S23201 (defines a group "S23201-B British cluster")
- YFS102143 - SNP downstream from S23201
- Y2630 - SNP downstream from Y2619 (upstream from YP264)
- YP450 - SNP downstream from Z2123 (disjoint from Y2632, Y47, Y937 and Y874)
- YP520 - SNP downstream from Z2123 (and Y934, parallel to Y874)
MAY 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP256 - subclade of L260
- YP254 - SNP downstream of YP256
- Y2921/FG1227 - SNP downstream of FG1234
Branch Z280:
- YP380 - SNP downstream of YP340 (disjoint from P278.2)
- YP381.1 - SNP downstream of CTS1211 (probably same level as YP340)
- S18681 - subclade of CTS8816 (disjoint from Y1392 and L1280)
- FGC11555/Y3302 - SNP downstream of L1280
Branch Z282:
- Y2395 - subbranch of Z282 (upstream of Z284, disjoint from M458 and Z280)
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- PF4661 - SNP downstream of L448 (disjoint from CTS4179)
Branch Z93:
- S23201 - SNP downstream of Z2124 (disjoint from Z2122, Z2125)
- YP264 - SNP downstream of Y2619
- S4583/Y2620 - SNP downstream of CTS6 (probably same level as Y2619)
- YP381.2 - SNP downstream of Y6
15th May 2014 - project reached 3000 members
APRIL 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch Z282:
- CTS3462 - SNP downstream of Z282 (disjoint from M458, Z280 and probably Z284)
Branch M458:
- Y2905 - SNP downstream of L260
- YP263 - subclade of L1029 (upstream of FG1234)
- FG1234 - SNP downstream of YP263
Branch Z280:
- S24902 - subbranch of Z280, parallel to CTS1211 and Z92
- YP340 - subbranch of CTS1211, parallel to CS3402 (upstream of P278.2)
- CTS8816 - SNP downstream of CTS3402 (upstream of L1280)
- Y1392 - subbranch of CTS8816
- Y1394 - SNP downstream of CTS8816 (probably same level as Y1392)
- Y2902 - SNP downstream of Y1392 (upstream of Y2910)
- Y2910 - SNP downstream of Y2902 (upstream of YP310)
- YP310 - SNP downstream of Y2910
- YP331 - SNP downstream of CTS8816 (disjoint from Y1392 and L1280)
- YP237 - subbranch of CTS3402, parallel to CTS8816
- YP234 - SNP downstream of YP237 (upstream of L365 and L366)
- YP295 - SNP downstream of YP234, parallel to L365 (upstream of L366 and YP335)
- YP335 - SNP downstream of YP295 (disjoint from L366)
- YP269 - SNP downstream of L365 (upstream of L669, L670)
- YP270 - SNP downstream of Z92
- Y1401 - SNP downstream of Z92 (parallel to CTS214, and level YP270)
Branch Z93:
- Y2619 - SNP downstream of CTS6
- Y2632 - SNP downstream of Z2123 (disjoint from Y47, Y874, Y937, Y939)
MARCH 2014
New R1a SNP marker available to order:
- Y40 - SNP downstream of Z94 (disjoint from L657 and Z2124)
Proposed tree R1a-M417 by Michał Milewski (2013).
- project reached 2500 members
New R1a SNP marker available to order:
- Y937 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47 and Y874)
- Y939 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47 and Y874)
New R1a SNP marker available to order:
- F2935 - subbranch of Z2122+ and F1345+ (but negative for Ashkenazi-Levites CTS6)
- Y874 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47)
- L1497 - NEW discovered SNP in WTY project under Z2124 (disjoint from Z2122 and Z2123)
JUNE 2013
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- CTS3607 - near CTS1211 (which is under Z280)
- CTS4314 - under Z92
- CTS5149 - under Z92
- F2405 - under Z287
- F1493 - under CTS4179 (which is under L448)
MAY 2013
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- F2686 - SNP downstream of L365
APRIL 2013
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- Y6 - SNP downstream of L657 (disjoint from Y7)
25th April 2013 - project reached 2000 members
MARCH 2013
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
- Y57 - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree and probably parallel to F1345
- Z2124 is downstream from Z94 and upstream from Z2122 and Z2123.
- Y34 - SNP near of CTS1211 and/or CTS3402
- Y7 - SNP downstream of L657
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
- CTS3402 is downstream from CTS1211 and upstream from L365, L366, and L1280.
- CTS456 (/Z686) is near Z92.
- F1345 (/Z2472) is downstream from Z2122 and upstream from CTS6.
- F3462 is downstream from Z282.
- Z645 (/PF6162) is downstream from M417 and upstream from Z283 and Z93.
- CTS8401 is downstream from Z287, Z288
- CTS4179 is downstream from L448 and upstream from L176.1 and CTS3390
- PF4279 is downstream from L664
- PF6155 is near M458
- PF6161 is near M458
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Geno 2.0 SNPs:
- CTS6 (/Z2469) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree
- CTS1211 - SNP downstream of Z280 in the haplotree
- CTS11962 (/Z2953) - SNP downstream of M458 (L260-) in the haplotree
- CTS214 - SNP downstream of Z92 in the haplotree
- CTS1055 - SNP downstream of Z280 (Z92-, CTS1211-) in the haplotree
- CTS8841 - SNP downstream of Z280 (and CTS1211) in the haplotree
- CTS3412 (/Z2475) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree
- CTS3605 (/Z2476) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree
- CTS3390 - SNP downstream of L448 in the haplotree
- CTS8277 - SNP downstream of Z287 in the haplotree
- CTS4385 - SNP near L664 in the haplotree
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z2122 - SNP downstream of Z94 (L657-) in the haplotree
- Z2123 - SNP downstream of Z94 (L657-) in the haplotree, and parallel to Z2122
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1357 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Russian Federation
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1282 - found in R1a-Z94 (L657-) member from India
24th September - project reached 1500 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1280 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Germany
JULY 2012
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z660, Z661 - SNPs near Z92 in the haplotree
19th July ISOGG changed R1a tree
JUNE 2012
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1232 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Lithuania
APRIL 2012
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z2029, Z2031, Z2032 - probably SNPs downstream of Z280
- Z282 - ancestral mutation for M458, Z280 and Z284
MARCH 2012
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z85 - probably SNP near M417 in the haplotree
- Z1917, Z1918 - probably SNPs downstream of Z280 (found by asdgood)
25th March 2012 - project reached 1000 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1029 - found in R1a-M458 (L260-) member from Germany
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L872, L873, L874 - found in R1a-L664 (DYS388=10)
- L871 - found in R1a-Z93 (L342+, L657-) member from Russian Federation
30th January 2012 - project reached 750 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z287, Z288 - found in result under Scandinavian Z284 subcluster
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z86, Z281 - found in result under Scandinavian Z284 subcluster
- Z283 - ancestral mutation for M458, Z280 and Z284 clades
5th October
New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in WTY program of our member:
- L783, L784, L785, L786 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Russia (New: M2. Cathegory)
(L784 is SNP for that clade and L783, L785, L785 appeard to be "private")
8th October ISOGG registered SNP Z280 on R1a tree thanks to our members orders
12th October - project reached 500 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z96 - SNP under Z93
- Z280 - probably biggest SNP for Central European clades
- Z284 - cousin of Z280 and ancestor of all Scandinavian branches
New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in WTY program of our members:
- L657 - found in R1a-L342 member from India
- L664 - found in sample of member from North Western Clade (DYS 388=10)
- L669, L670 - could be subcluster of "Pomeranian Type" (R1a-L365)
JULY 2011
Building admin crew and base of results
(on 6th July we had 250 members!)
JUNE 2011
10 June 2011
We just started.
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch Z280:
- YP1144 - SNP under "Volga Carpathian" cluster under: Y33-> CTS8816-> Y2902-> Y3219 (brother clade of Y3222)
- YP1147 - SNP for "Finnish" cluster under: Z280-> CTS1211 (brother clade of YP343, Y35, YP1019, YP1034)
- YP1260 - SNP under "Eastern Slavic/Baltic" cluster under: Z92-> Y4459-> YP569-> YP682 (brother clade of YP685, YP1696)
JUNE 2015
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch Z280:
- YP1034 - SNP under Z280-> CTS1211 (brother clade of YP343, Y35, YP1019, YP1147)
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP444 - SNP under L1029 (parent of YP445)
- YP418 - main SNP under L1029->YP417 (parent of YP728, YP1013)
- YP1183 - SNP under YP515
- YP870 - SNP under L260->YP254->Y4135
project reached 3500 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
- YP1051 is equivalent(?) of YP1041 and can be tested by people negative for marker M417 (but positive for M198)
Branch M458:
* YP1136 - small subclade under L1029 -> YP593
Branch Z280:
* YP940 - SNP for subclade under "East Pomeranian" clade L365 -> YP243 -> YP389
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP728 - under YP417->YP418 (sibling of YP1013)
- YP1013 - under YP417->YP418 (sibling of YP728)
Branch Z280:
* (CTS3402)
- Y6956 - downstream from YP269 (subclade of "East Pomeranian" L365 cluster)
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP590 - under YP414 close to YP589 lvl (negative for YP610)
- YP610 - under YP414 brother clade of YP589/YP590
- YP616 - equivalent to Y2905 (under YP254 clade, sibling of Y4135 and YP414)
- YP654 - under YP256 lvl & brother clade to YP254
- Z2945 - Previously thought to be downstream from L1029, current usefulness unclear
Branch Z280:
* (CTS3402)
- YP315 - downstream from S18681 (but upstream from YP314)
- YP611 - downstream from L1280 (brother subclade of FGC19283 & FGC11555)
- FGC19283 - downstream from L1280, sibling of FGC11555 and YP611
- Y3219 – downstream from Y2902, sibling of Y2910, Y4379, and CTS11142, upstream from Y3220 and Y3222
- YP677 - downstream from "Pomeranian" L365 clade (brother clade of YP243)
- S799 - equivalent to YP677 (under L365)
* (Z92):
- YP576 - "Eastern Slavic" branch marker - equivalen of YP569(?)
- YP612 - smaller subclade of "Eastern Slavic" under: YP569>YP682
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP618 - subclade of L448->YP355
Branch Z93:
- YP639 - subclade of Z2122->Y57 branch (brother clade of Y52)
- Y52 - downstream from Z2122->Y57, sibling of YP639
- Y2742 - equivalent (so far) to Y2630 (under CTS6)
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch CTS4385:
- M2747 - SNP downstream from S3477
- YP282 - SNP downstream from S2894 (parallel to S2880)
- YP442 - SNP downstream from YP282 (parallel to YP441 and CTS5768)
- YP438 - SNP downstream from S2894>S2880
Branch M458:
- YP589 - SNP downstream from YP414
- YP515 - SNP downstream from CTS11962 (parallel to L1029)
- YP593 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263, YP416, YP417 and YP445)
Branch Z280:
- YP569 - SNP downstream from Y4459
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- S4458 - SNP downstream from Z284 and upstream S5301>L448 (parallel to YP556 and Z287)
- YP386 - SNP downstream from CTS4179 and upstream YP383 (parallel toYP276, CTS3390)
- YP280 - SNP downstream from L176.1, YP275 and upstream YP507, YP330
Branch Z93:
- Y23592 - SNP downstream from Z2124 and upstream S23201 (parallel to Z2122 and Z2125)
- YP413 - SNP downstream from Z2125 (parallel to Z2123)
- YP639 - SNP downstream from Y57
JULY 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch CTS4385:
- S3477 - SNP downstream from L664 (parallel to S2894 and S2857)
- YP547 - SNP downstream from S3477
- S2894 - SNP downstream from L664 (parallel to S3477 and S2857)
- YP360 - SNP downstream from S2857>S2858 (parallel to S2859)
Branch M458:
- YP417 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263, YP416 and YP445)
- YP517 - SNP downstream from YP416
Branch Z280:
- Y4459 - SNP downstream from Z92 (parallel to Z685)
- Z685 - SNP downstream from Z92 (parallel to Y4459)
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP556 - SNP downstream from Z284 and upstream CTS4027 (parallel to L448 and Z287)
- YP355 - SNP downstream from L448 (parallel to CTS4179)
- YP507 - SNP downstream from L176.1 (parallel to YP330>YP327>YP326)
- YP383 - SNP downstream from CTS4179>YP386 (YP386 is parallel to YP276, CTS3390)
- YP398 - SNP downstream from CTS8401 (parallel to Z281)
Branch Z93:
- Z2125 - SNP downstream from Z2124 and upstream Z2123 (parallel to Z2122 and YP349)
- YP526 - SNP downstream from YP520
JUNE 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP445 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parrallel to YP263, YP263, YP416, YP417)
- YP414 - SNP downstream from YP254 (parallel to Y2905)
- YP415 - SNP downstream from Y2905
- Y4135 - SNP downstream from YP254 (parallel to Y2905 and YP414)
- YP416 - SNP downstream from L1029 (parallel to YP263 and YP445)
Branch Z280:
- Y2613 - SNP downstream from CTS3402 (disjoint from CTS8816 and YP237)
- FGC10355 - SNP downstream from Y2902 (disjoint from Y2910)
- YFS052695 - SNP downstream from Y2902 (disjoint from Y2910)
- Y2609 - SNP downstream from Y2613
- Y2608 - SNP downstream from Y2609
- YP243 - SNP upstream from YP269 and YP389 (probably downstream from L365)
- YP314 - SNP downstream from S18681 (upstream from YP331)
- YP350 - SNP downstream from YP270 and Y1401
- YP469 - SNP downstream from S24902
- YP371 - SNP downstream of YP340 (same level as YP380)
- YP389 - SNP downstream from YP243 (parallel to YP269)
- YP419 - SNP downstream from YP237 (parallel to YP234)
- YFS137565 - SNP downstream from YP419 (perhaps defines a group "YP419-A")
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- YP276 - SNP downstream of CTS4179 (upstream from L176.1)
- YP275 - SNP downstream of YP276 (same level as L176.1)
- YP326 - SNP downstream of YP275 (upstream from L175)
- CLD12 - SNP downstream of YP326 (parallel to L175)
Branch Z93:
- YFS102022 - SNP downstream from S23201 (defines a group "S23201-B British cluster")
- YFS102143 - SNP downstream from S23201
- Y2630 - SNP downstream from Y2619 (upstream from YP264)
- YP450 - SNP downstream from Z2123 (disjoint from Y2632, Y47, Y937 and Y874)
- YP520 - SNP downstream from Z2123 (and Y934, parallel to Y874)
MAY 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch M458:
- YP256 - subclade of L260
- YP254 - SNP downstream of YP256
- Y2921/FG1227 - SNP downstream of FG1234
Branch Z280:
- YP380 - SNP downstream of YP340 (disjoint from P278.2)
- YP381.1 - SNP downstream of CTS1211 (probably same level as YP340)
- S18681 - subclade of CTS8816 (disjoint from Y1392 and L1280)
- FGC11555/Y3302 - SNP downstream of L1280
Branch Z282:
- Y2395 - subbranch of Z282 (upstream of Z284, disjoint from M458 and Z280)
Branch Y2395 (formerly Z284):
- PF4661 - SNP downstream of L448 (disjoint from CTS4179)
Branch Z93:
- S23201 - SNP downstream of Z2124 (disjoint from Z2122, Z2125)
- YP264 - SNP downstream of Y2619
- S4583/Y2620 - SNP downstream of CTS6 (probably same level as Y2619)
- YP381.2 - SNP downstream of Y6
15th May 2014 - project reached 3000 members
APRIL 2014
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
Branch Z282:
- CTS3462 - SNP downstream of Z282 (disjoint from M458, Z280 and probably Z284)
Branch M458:
- Y2905 - SNP downstream of L260
- YP263 - subclade of L1029 (upstream of FG1234)
- FG1234 - SNP downstream of YP263
Branch Z280:
- S24902 - subbranch of Z280, parallel to CTS1211 and Z92
- YP340 - subbranch of CTS1211, parallel to CS3402 (upstream of P278.2)
- CTS8816 - SNP downstream of CTS3402 (upstream of L1280)
- Y1392 - subbranch of CTS8816
- Y1394 - SNP downstream of CTS8816 (probably same level as Y1392)
- Y2902 - SNP downstream of Y1392 (upstream of Y2910)
- Y2910 - SNP downstream of Y2902 (upstream of YP310)
- YP310 - SNP downstream of Y2910
- YP331 - SNP downstream of CTS8816 (disjoint from Y1392 and L1280)
- YP237 - subbranch of CTS3402, parallel to CTS8816
- YP234 - SNP downstream of YP237 (upstream of L365 and L366)
- YP295 - SNP downstream of YP234, parallel to L365 (upstream of L366 and YP335)
- YP335 - SNP downstream of YP295 (disjoint from L366)
- YP269 - SNP downstream of L365 (upstream of L669, L670)
- YP270 - SNP downstream of Z92
- Y1401 - SNP downstream of Z92 (parallel to CTS214, and level YP270)
Branch Z93:
- Y2619 - SNP downstream of CTS6
- Y2632 - SNP downstream of Z2123 (disjoint from Y47, Y874, Y937, Y939)
MARCH 2014
New R1a SNP marker available to order:
- Y40 - SNP downstream of Z94 (disjoint from L657 and Z2124)
Proposed tree R1a-M417 by Michał Milewski (2013).
- project reached 2500 members
New R1a SNP marker available to order:
- Y937 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47 and Y874)
- Y939 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47 and Y874)
New R1a SNP marker available to order:
- F2935 - subbranch of Z2122+ and F1345+ (but negative for Ashkenazi-Levites CTS6)
- Y874 - under Z2123 (disjoint from Y47)
- L1497 - NEW discovered SNP in WTY project under Z2124 (disjoint from Z2122 and Z2123)
JUNE 2013
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- CTS3607 - near CTS1211 (which is under Z280)
- CTS4314 - under Z92
- CTS5149 - under Z92
- F2405 - under Z287
- F1493 - under CTS4179 (which is under L448)
MAY 2013
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- F2686 - SNP downstream of L365
APRIL 2013
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
- Y6 - SNP downstream of L657 (disjoint from Y7)
25th April 2013 - project reached 2000 members
MARCH 2013
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
- Y57 - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree and probably parallel to F1345
- Z2124 is downstream from Z94 and upstream from Z2122 and Z2123.
- Y34 - SNP near of CTS1211 and/or CTS3402
- Y7 - SNP downstream of L657
New R1a SNP markers available to order:
- CTS3402 is downstream from CTS1211 and upstream from L365, L366, and L1280.
- CTS456 (/Z686) is near Z92.
- F1345 (/Z2472) is downstream from Z2122 and upstream from CTS6.
- F3462 is downstream from Z282.
- Z645 (/PF6162) is downstream from M417 and upstream from Z283 and Z93.
- CTS8401 is downstream from Z287, Z288
- CTS4179 is downstream from L448 and upstream from L176.1 and CTS3390
- PF4279 is downstream from L664
- PF6155 is near M458
- PF6161 is near M458
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Geno 2.0 SNPs:
- CTS6 (/Z2469) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree
- CTS1211 - SNP downstream of Z280 in the haplotree
- CTS11962 (/Z2953) - SNP downstream of M458 (L260-) in the haplotree
- CTS214 - SNP downstream of Z92 in the haplotree
- CTS1055 - SNP downstream of Z280 (Z92-, CTS1211-) in the haplotree
- CTS8841 - SNP downstream of Z280 (and CTS1211) in the haplotree
- CTS3412 (/Z2475) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree
- CTS3605 (/Z2476) - SNP downstream of Z2122 in the haplotree
- CTS3390 - SNP downstream of L448 in the haplotree
- CTS8277 - SNP downstream of Z287 in the haplotree
- CTS4385 - SNP near L664 in the haplotree
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z2122 - SNP downstream of Z94 (L657-) in the haplotree
- Z2123 - SNP downstream of Z94 (L657-) in the haplotree, and parallel to Z2122
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1357 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Russian Federation
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1282 - found in R1a-Z94 (L657-) member from India
24th September - project reached 1500 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1280 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Germany
JULY 2012
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z660, Z661 - SNPs near Z92 in the haplotree
19th July ISOGG changed R1a tree
JUNE 2012
New R1a SNP marker available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1232 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Lithuania
APRIL 2012
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z2029, Z2031, Z2032 - probably SNPs downstream of Z280
- Z282 - ancestral mutation for M458, Z280 and Z284
MARCH 2012
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z85 - probably SNP near M417 in the haplotree
- Z1917, Z1918 - probably SNPs downstream of Z280 (found by asdgood)
25th March 2012 - project reached 1000 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L1029 - found in R1a-M458 (L260-) member from Germany
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in WTY program:
- L872, L873, L874 - found in R1a-L664 (DYS388=10)
- L871 - found in R1a-Z93 (L342+, L657-) member from Russian Federation
30th January 2012 - project reached 750 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z287, Z288 - found in result under Scandinavian Z284 subcluster
New R1a SNP markers available to order.
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z86, Z281 - found in result under Scandinavian Z284 subcluster
- Z283 - ancestral mutation for M458, Z280 and Z284 clades
5th October
New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in WTY program of our member:
- L783, L784, L785, L786 - found in R1a-Z280 member from Russia (New: M2. Cathegory)
(L784 is SNP for that clade and L783, L785, L785 appeard to be "private")
8th October ISOGG registered SNP Z280 on R1a tree thanks to our members orders
12th October - project reached 500 members
New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in 1000 Genomes Project:
- Z96 - SNP under Z93
- Z280 - probably biggest SNP for Central European clades
- Z284 - cousin of Z280 and ancestor of all Scandinavian branches
New R1a SNP markers available to order
Discovered in WTY program of our members:
- L657 - found in R1a-L342 member from India
- L664 - found in sample of member from North Western Clade (DYS 388=10)
- L669, L670 - could be subcluster of "Pomeranian Type" (R1a-L365)
JULY 2011
Building admin crew and base of results
(on 6th July we had 250 members!)
JUNE 2011
10 June 2011
We just started.