R1b-CTS4466 Plus

  • 1741 members

About us

24 January 2023 - The Project has 1385 members, 970 of these SNP tested at FTDNA and confirmed Irish Type 2(IT2), 61% of the 1586 men SNP tested IT2 at FTDNA.
Another 14 men are confirmed IT2 by tests from other companies and the remainder STR tested and inferred to be IT2 or confirmed close matches of men who have SNP tested.

23rd January 2016 - Lots has happened in the year plus since we posted any news.  The project now has 675 participants, all IT2 haplotypes.  The CTS4466 tree has blossomed - see our haplotree.  Our Forum has over 250 members and growing.  Join us!

19th August 2014 - Our project membership has reached 500.

8th June 2014 - Our Forum has 100 members.

27th January 2014 - Passed the 400 member mark!

1st January 2014 - We enter the new year with over 300 participants.

5th December 2013 - Now over 200 participants.

25th November 2013 - Over 100 participants have joined.

30th October 2013 - The R1b-CTS4466 Plus project is officially launched.

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