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R-M269 > R-L23 > R-Z2103 > R-M12149 > R-Y13369 > R-L584 > R-PF7580 > R-FTA70761 > R-Y19434 > R-FGC14617 > R-FGC14598 > R-FGC14629 > R-FGC14628
This is a Y-DNA ONLY project that is a also partial hybrid surname-haplogroup project. It is open to any testers whose Y-DNA haplogroup is R-FGC14629/R-FGC14605 or downstream. The following haplgroups are the ones that FamilyTreeDNA currently defines as downstream: R-FGC14638, R-FTB72081, R-FTF82523, R-FGC14602, R-Y49084, R-FGC14600, R-FTE78630, R-BY101196, R-FTE9477, R-FTB81470, R-FGC14591, R-FT247695, R-Y21258, R-Y86046, R-BY172789, R-BY172790, and R-BY218312. If you match someone with any of the SNPs listed above at the Y-37 level or higher, you belong in this project. Please check your match list before you join so that you do not have to be removed later if you do not belong. If you are unsure of whether you belong in the project, please email one the administrators.
Please ensure your settings are set to "limited access,” so that we can best help you. We will have to remove anyone who has group privacy setting set for "group only.” Because we are hoping to merge the paper trail with the Y-DNA/ phylogenic tree, we will be working closely with the R1b Basal Project. If you are not already a member we can also add you to that group.
Please DO NOT JOIN this project based on mtDNA results. We will take Family Finder results only when your Y-DNA haplogroup has changed to R-FGC14629, R-FGC14628 or R-FGC14605.
If you are in this project as a result of Family Finder testing, we welcome you. However, we strongly encourage you to consider Y-DNA testing to help determine where in this lineage you fit in. This way we will have a better sense of where you fit on this genetic family tree. If you are interested but do not know where to begin, please feel free to email the administrators of the project.