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R L513 and Subclades

R1b-L513 and Subclades Project inc. DF1,L193,S5668,S6365,S5892,CTS3087,CTS11744
  • 2170 members
1 Abbott 18
2 Abracham 1
3 Acheson 1
4 Adams 70
5 Adkins 10
6 Agnew 1
7 Ahearn 4
8 Aitman 2
9 Ammerlaan 1
10 Anderson 66
11 Anglin 11
12 Appleby 2
13 Armstrong 33
14 Arrick 1
15 Ash 2
16 Baldwin 24
17 Ball 30
18 Bane 0
19 Banks 12
20 Bannister 4
21 Barber 19
22 Barbour 3
23 Barrett 59
24 Bateman 8
25 Bates 17
26 Batten 1
27 Bean 11
28 Beard 11
29 Beatty 9
30 Beauripper 0
31 Beeman 0
32 Bell 52
33 Belsher 1
34 Benn 8
35 Bennett 53
36 Bergeron 2
37 Berney 0
38 Berry 40
39 Beverly 1
40 Bibber 0
41 Bierney 1
42 Biggs 10
43 Bigham 2
44 Bijister 0
45 Bingham 7
46 Biscoe 0
47 Bissett 2
48 Black 35
49 Blackburn 4
50 Blair 21
51 Blake 10
52 Bocher 1
53 Bolin 1
54 Bond 15
55 Bonds 1
56 Borjesson 0
57 Börjesson 0
58 Bourne 10
59 Bower 7
60 Boyd 25
61 Boyles 2
62 Brackenridge 0
63 Bradley 21
64 Bradshaw 9
65 Brady 12
66 Bramley 1
67 Branley 0
68 Branson 5
69 Brathwaite 1
70 Brazill 0
71 Breen 10
72 Brennan 11
73 Brewer 24
74 Brian 3
75 Briar 1
76 Brien 3
77 Brock 15
78 Bromley 8
79 Brooks 43
80 Brosnan 2
81 Brown 160
82 Broyles 4
83 Bruce 27
84 Bruen 3
85 Bryant 26
86 Buchanan 24
87 Buckley 15
88 Budden 1
89 Bullock 14
90 Bunyan 2
91 Burden 4
92 Burns 28
93 Burrow 2
94 Burrows 8
95 Burson 1
96 Burt 10
97 Burton 21
98 Bushea 0
99 Bussey 3
100 Butler 38
101 Byers 6
102 Byrd 16
103 Byrne 24
104 Caffrey 1
105 Cain 9
106 Calaf 0
107 Callahan 6
108 Calvert 14
109 Calway 0
110 Cameron 27
111 Campbell 88
112 Cannon 15
113 Cardin 1
114 Carey 15
115 Carlisle 6
116 Carney 5
117 Carter 49
118 Cassell 2
119 Catoe 0
120 Center 1
121 Chalmers 10
122 Chambers 29
123 Chase 11
124 Chester 3
125 Chew 5
126 Chisolm 1
127 Christiersson 3
128 Cicil 0
129 Clark 96
130 Clarke 61
131 Clavin 1
132 Cleary 3
133 Clements 9
134 Clendaniel 1
135 Clendenin 7
136 Clendenning 0
137 Clifton 11
138 Cline 7
139 Cluney 1
140 Clydesdale 1
141 Cochran 16
142 Cochrane 6
143 Coffey 10
144 Coggin 2
145 Coggins 3
146 Cole 37
147 Coleman 33
148 Colgan 1
149 Collins 48
150 Coltrain 0
151 Coltrane 0
152 Colwell 1
153 Conley 10
154 Conn 1
155 Connell 11
156 Conner 11
157 Connor 13
158 Conway 20
159 Cook 51
160 Cooke 29
161 Cooley 4
162 Cope 2
163 Corcoran 2
164 Corrigan 9
165 Coulbern 6
166 Coulson 3
167 Coulter 7
168 Courtney 9
169 Cowden 1
170 Cowling 2
171 Craig 26
172 Crawford 45
173 Crews 3
174 Crosgrove 0
175 Crotty 1
176 Crozier 4
177 Cruise 1
178 Culbert 1
179 Cullen 12
180 Cummings 16
181 Cumyn 1
182 Cunningham 27
183 Curley 3
184 Curray 2
185 Currie 6
186 Curry 15
187 Cusing 0
188 Daly 12
189 Darcy 6
190 Davidson 27
191 Davis 106
192 Davison 8
193 Day 24
194 de Crombrugghe 6
195 Denson 4
196 DeRemer 1
197 Devane 4
198 Dever 2
199 Devere 0
200 Devine 17
201 Devins 2
202 Dewar 0
203 Diamond 4
204 Dillane 2
205 Dillon 9
206 Diver 2
207 Divin 0
208 Divine 1
209 Doellinger 1
210 Doherty 11
211 Donahue 4
212 Donaldson 7
213 Donnelly 10
214 Donoghue 3
215 Donohoe 3
216 Donovan 8
217 Doran 5
218 Doughtery 0
219 Douglas 29
220 Dowell 2
221 Downey 5
222 Downie 4
223 Drake 27
224 Drakenheim 1
225 Drew 5
226 Drummond 17
227 Duff 12
228 Duffy 13
229 Duggan 2
230 Dugger 4
231 Duggon 0
232 Duke 14
233 Dunahue 0
234 Duncan 35
235 Duxbury 1
236 Dwyer 9
237 Dyer 8
238 Eaves 0
239 Edgcomb 0
240 Edmonds 5
241 Edwards 61
242 Egan 7
243 Eliott 1
244 Elliott 62
245 Ellwood 0
246 Elwood 3
247 Elword 0
248 Emerson 6
249 Enderton 0
250 Englund 0
251 Enright 3
252 Eriksson 17
253 Ernst 5
254 Erskine 10
255 Evans 53
256 Eves 2
257 Faden 1
258 Fadley 0
259 Fadling 1
260 Fagan 2
261 Feain 2
262 Ferguson 31
263 Ferra 1
264 Ferry 3
265 Findley 2
266 Finn 9
267 Fitzpatrick 13
268 Fiveash 1
269 Fleming 27
270 Fletcher 18
271 Flew 1
272 Flood 5
273 Flynn 13
274 Ford 30
275 Foster 42
276 Fouhy 2
277 Fox 31
278 Frace 1
279 Frame 1
280 Franklin 19
281 Frazier 6
282 Fritts 1
283 Fury 3
284 Gaffney 1
285 Galbraith 5
286 Galbreath 3
287 Gallagher 16
288 Gambill 3
289 Gamble 7
290 Gammel 2
291 Garden 3
292 Gardner 17
293 Garrett 12
294 Garvey 5
295 Gavegan 1
296 Gelling 2
297 Gelston 0
298 Gettings 0
299 Gibbs 15
300 Giberson 4
301 Gijsbertsen 0
302 Gilleece 3
303 Gillespie 8
304 Gillis 8
305 Gilroy 3
306 Gilson 5
307 Gittens 4
308 Glandenning 0
309 Glasgow 1
310 Gleeson 4
311 Glendenning 6
312 Glendinning 5
313 Goarck 1
314 Goblirisch 0
315 Goff 3
316 Golliher 2
317 Gooding 3
318 Goodman 7
319 Gordon 34
320 Gorman 5
321 Gotsche 1
322 Gotzsche 1
323 Goudie 1
324 Graddy 2
325 Graham 44
326 Grambel 0
327 Grant 40
328 Gray 46
329 Green 65
330 Grewar 1
331 Griffin 31
332 Griffith 24
333 Grogan 4
334 Gruer 2
335 Gruetzmacher 1
336 Guild 4
337 Gullacher 1
338 Gulle 0
339 Gulleson 0
340 Gurry 1
341 Guthrie 8
342 Haddal 0
343 Hadlock 2
344 Haggerty 2
345 Hail 1
346 Halasey 1
347 Hale 16
348 Hall 88
349 Halsey 6
350 Hamilton 54
351 Hammerlaen 0
352 Hana 0
353 Hancock 17
354 Hanlin 1
355 Hannay 1
356 Hanratty 1
357 Harford 1
358 Harlow 1
359 Harrington 16
360 Harris 80
361 Hart 37
362 Harte 2
363 Hartley 12
364 Harvey 30
365 Hatcliff 0
366 Håvik 0
367 Hay 13
368 Hayer 1
369 Hayes 34
370 Hays 13
371 Head 9
372 Healey 13
373 Healy 13
374 Heaphy 1
375 Heath 15
376 Hecht 3
377 Hedström 1
378 Heenan 1
379 Heman 1
380 Henan 0
381 Henderson 48
382 Hendrickson 5
383 Henry 20
384 Herrick 4
385 Herrmann 3
386 Herron 4
387 Higgins 20
388 Hinkle 2
389 Hogan 10
390 Holder 10
391 Holland 23
392 Holmberg 2
393 Holmes 25
394 Home 1
395 Hood 6
396 Hoover 7
397 Hopkins 28
398 Horan 1
399 Howard 47
400 Howley 2
401 Hubbard 27
402 Hudson 18
403 Hughes 34
404 Hughson 1
405 Hugs 1
406 Hulse 2
407 Hyatt 1
408 Irvine 10
409 Irving 3
410 Irwin 15
411 Jackman 5
412 Jackson 51
413 Jakobsson 7
414 James 44
415 Jarvis 11
416 Jenkins 26
417 Jester 1
418 Johnson 97
419 Johnston 42
420 Jolley 1
421 Jones 131
422 Jonsson 18
423 Jordan 27
424 Joyce 4
425 Judge 5
426 Kack 0
427 Kane 7
428 Karlsson 6
429 Kautz 0
430 Keane 4
431 Keating 7
432 Keenen 0
433 Keillor 1
434 Kelley 18
435 Kelly 65
436 Kennedy 51
437 Kennelly 1
438 Kenny 9
439 Kenrick 1
440 Keown 4
441 Kern 14
442 Kernan 2
443 Kerns 1
444 Kerwin 4
445 Killduff 0
446 Kilroy 2
447 Kingston 22
448 Kitson 3
449 Knox 10
450 Lacey 6
451 Lackey 2
452 Lafferty 4
453 Lagan 1
454 Lahey 2
455 Laird 5
456 Lamberts 3
457 Lammon 1
458 Lamont 3
459 Lancaster 6
460 Land 1
461 Lane 31
462 Larkin 8
463 Lawler 3
464 Lawson 20
465 Lawton 4
466 Leary 4
467 Lee 60
468 Lemmon 1
469 Lemon 1
470 Lemons 2
471 Leonard 27
472 Lerise 0
473 Lesch 0
474 Leslie 10
475 Lewis 85
476 Liddle 1
477 Lillevick 0
478 Lindsey 14
479 Lintz 0
480 Little 135
481 Livingston 11
482 Logan 16
483 Long 42
484 Lopez 1
485 Lowe 8
486 Lowry 4
487 Lozano 0
488 Lucey 2
489 Luff 1
490 Lytle 8
491 MacDonald 25
492 MacDuff 2
493 MacDuffee 3
494 MacDuffie 0
495 MacEachern 0
496 MacFarlane 0
497 MacGinite 0
498 MacInnes 2
499 MacIntosh 8
500 MacKenzie 28
501 Mackey 10
502 Mackie 6
503 MacLean 15
504 MacLennan 4
505 MacLeod 11
506 MacMahon 1
507 MacMillan 2
508 MacNeil 4
509 MacNicol 1
510 MacPherson 6
511 MacQueen 1
512 Madden 11
513 Maguire 28
514 Maloney 10
515 Mangum 2
516 Mao 1
517 Markwick 2
518 Marney 2
519 Martin 85
520 Martini 3
521 Marts 0
522 Martyn 3
523 Massey 18
524 Massie 7
525 Matheson 14
526 Mathis 6
527 Matthews 21
528 Mauch 0
529 Mavity 1
530 Mawdsley 3
531 Maxwell 15
532 May 21
533 McAdams 2
534 McAdoo 2
535 McAfee 1
536 McAlister 3
537 McAllaster 2
538 McAllister 12
539 McAulay 4
540 McAuley 6
541 McBee 2
542 McBride 7
543 McBryan 1
544 McCabe 5
545 McCadden 1
546 McCafferty 0
547 McCaffree 0
548 McCaffrey 5
549 McCaleb 3
550 McCalip 1
551 McCall 4
552 McCann 8
553 McCarter 2
554 McCarthy 15
555 McCarty 6
556 McCauley 11
557 McClain 19
558 McClaine 0
559 McClean 2
560 McClinton 1
561 McCloud 2
562 McClure 12
563 McCollin 1
564 McCombs 2
565 McConnell 10
566 McCool 4
567 McCormack 6
568 McCormick 12
569 McCowan 3
570 McCown 5
571 McCoy 14
572 McCray 3
573 McCrea 2
574 McCullers 1
575 McCulloch 8
576 McCusker 5
577 McDaniel 12
578 McDermott 8
579 McDonald 50
580 McDouall 1
581 McDougal 2
582 McDow 1
583 McDowell 10
584 McDuffee 3
585 McDuffie 2
586 McEntire 3
587 McFall 5
588 McGowan 6
589 McGrath 2
590 McGregor 10
591 McGuire 39
592 McHugh 2
593 McInnes 4
594 McInnis 4
595 McIntire 10
596 McIntosh 18
597 McIntyre 15
598 McIver 8
599 McIvor 2
600 McKay 16
601 McKee 8
602 McKelvey 3
603 McKenzie 37
604 Mckeon 0
605 McKillip 0
606 McKinsey 2
607 McKissick 2
608 McKissock 1
609 McKlem 1
610 McKnight 6
611 McKown 2
612 McLain 5
613 McLauglin 0
614 McLean 36
615 McLeod 17
616 McMahon 8
617 McManus 10
618 McMillan 11
619 McNeese 1
620 McNeil 5
621 McNichols 1
622 McOsker 1
623 McPherson 16
624 McQueen 12
625 McRae 4
626 McVicar 2
627 McVittie 2
628 McVitty 2
629 Meachem 0
630 Meade 7
631 Mee 1
632 Meeham 0
633 Meek 8
634 Meeks 8
635 Meenagh 0
636 Meguier 0
637 Merrick 7
638 Mickelsson 3
639 Miles 18
640 Millar 13
641 Millen 0
642 Miller 113
643 Milliken 5
644 Mockbee 0
645 Moher 1
646 Moloney 3
647 Monaghan 13
648 Monahan 1
649 Monro 3
650 Montoya 0
651 Moody 14
652 Moore 106
653 Morgan 57
654 Moriarty 5
655 Morphew 0
656 Morris 45
657 Morrison 41
658 Morse 22
659 Moss 11
660 Mowdy 1
661 Mugford 1
662 Mugs 0
663 Mulleneaux 0
664 Muller 15
665 Müller 9
666 Mullins 14
667 Munley 1
668 Munnerlyn 3
669 Murphy 60
670 Murray 48
671 Mustapha 1
672 Neal 14
673 Nelson 30
674 Nesbitt 2
675 Newton 23
676 Nichols 33
677 Nicholson 34
678 Nickols 0
679 Nickson 0
680 Nicoll 0
681 Nicolson 13
682 Nielson 1
683 Nilsson 15
684 Noon 2
685 O'Brien 23
686 O'Connor 23
687 O'Donoughue 2
688 O'Gara 3
689 O'Hara 7
690 Oliver 25
691 Olovsson 0
692 O'Mahoney 1
693 O'May 1
694 O'Meara 2
695 O'Mooney 0
696 O'Neill 17
697 Oram 2
698 O'Reilly 4
699 O'Riordan 0
700 O'Rourke 6
701 O'Shea 16
702 O'Toole 1
703 Owen 30
704 Owens 22
705 Palmer 34
706 Park 11
707 Parker 64
708 Parks 19
709 Patrick 8
710 Patten 6
711 Patterson 34
712 Patton 10
713 Paul 12
714 Pelkey 1
715 Perea 0
716 Perk 0
717 Perry 33
718 Pettijohn 1
719 Phillips 49
720 Pilgrim 2
721 Pillsbury 2
722 Pitts 12
723 Plumsley 0
724 Plunkett 7
725 Pochman 0
726 Poor 8
727 Porter 36
728 Powell 43
729 Power 8
730 Powers 19
731 Price 35
732 Pritchard 10
733 Proctor 18
734 Proffitt 7
735 Pruett 2
736 Purvis 1
737 Queen 2
738 Quilty 1
739 Quinn 18
740 R-A1067 0
741 R-A11235 0
742 R-A7 0
743 Raferty 0
744 Ramage 1
745 Ratchford 1
746 Rawls 0
747 R-BY11124 0
748 R-BY11151 0
749 R-BY11178 0
750 R-BY13832 0
751 R-BY16 0
752 R-BY17 0
753 R-BY182 0
754 R-BY19748 0
755 R-BY3023 0
756 R-BY363 0
757 R-BY4032 0
758 R-BY4148 0
759 R-BY553 0
760 R-BY624 0
761 R-CTS11744 0
762 R-CTS3087 0
763 Read 15
764 Reardon 6
765 Redmon 3
766 Reece 1
767 Reed 48
768 Reeves 16
769 Regan 6
770 Reid 28
771 R-FGC13437 0
772 R-FGC13508 0
773 R-FGC30220 0
774 R-FGC9775 0
775 R-FGC9778 0
776 R-FGC9798 0
777 R-FGC9800 0
778 R-FGC9804 0
779 R-FGC9811 0
780 Rice 25
781 Riddel 3
782 Riddell 3
783 Riddle 6
784 Riley 20
785 Ritchie 6
786 R-L1333 0
787 R-L193 0
788 R-L513 0
789 R-L577 0
790 R-L705 0
791 R-M2775 0
792 Roberts 57
793 Robertson 60
794 Robinson 82
795 Roddy 3
796 Roe 5
797 Rogers 57
798 Roghneen 0
799 Roland 7
800 Rose 38
801 Rosenblad 1
802 Ross 84
803 Roughneen 0
804 Rounds 1
805 Rowan 2
806 Rowland 12
807 R-S5668 0
808 R-S5892 0
809 R-S6365 0
810 R-S7106 0
811 R-S7828 0
812 R-S7834 0
813 Ruark 1
814 Ruddy 3
815 Rudy 1
816 Ruple 2
817 Russell 47
818 Ryan 36
819 R-Z16337 0
820 R-Z16339 0
821 R-Z16340 0
822 R-Z16372 0
823 R-Z16392 0
824 R-Z16407 0
825 R-Z17296 0
826 R-Z17299 0
827 R-Z17626 0
828 R-Z17813 0
829 R-Z17817 0
830 R-Z17826 0
831 R-Z18491 0
832 R-Z20655 0
833 R-Z21262 0
834 R-Z21264 0
835 R-Z23532 0
836 R-ZS4584 0
837 R-ZW04 0
838 Sabelkuhl 0
839 Salisbury 4
840 Sanchez 3
841 Sanville 1
842 Savage 18
843 Scanlan 5
844 Schanning 0
845 Schuman 0
846 Scott 64
847 Sears 10
848 Senter 2
849 Shaddick 0
850 Sharp 19
851 Shaw 47
852 Shay 4
853 Shea 27
854 Sheffield 3
855 Sherry 2
856 Sherwin 2
857 Sherwood 9
858 Shillinburg 0
859 Shirley 12
860 Short 15
861 Simonsson 4
862 Sinclair 18
863 Sincock 1
864 Sinkler 2
865 Skehan 5
866 Skrika 0
867 Smith 246
868 Smythe 11
869 Spain 2
870 Spears 7
871 Spector 1
872 Spence 11
873 Spencer 28
874 Sprague 10
875 Spriggs 1
876 Sproul 0
877 Sproule 2
878 Squires 6
879 St. Clair 5
880 Staffansson 3
881 Stallings 2
882 Starr 10
883 Stephens 31
884 Stephenson 14
885 Stevens 52
886 Stevensin 0
887 Stevenson 23
888 Stewart 92
889 Stone 38
890 Stryd 0
891 Sullivan 38
892 Sunesson 1
893 Sweeney 9
894 Swinney 3
895 Taylor 125
896 Templeton 6
897 Tennant 3
898 Tennyson 0
899 Thomas 74
900 Thompson 99
901 Thyne 1
902 Tiernan 2
903 Tierney 4
904 TImmons 0
905 Tomey 0
906 Toohey 3
907 Toomey 4
908 Traylor 2
909 Tucker 35
910 Tumelty 1
911 Tumetty 0
912 Tumulty 0
913 Turpin 5
914 Twaddle 1
915 Twohey 1
916 Upchurch 3
917 van der Beek 1
918 Vance 29
919 Vans 2
920 Vanston 2
921 Vaughan 18
922 Vaughn 18
923 Vaus 0
924 Vaux 2
925 Velle 0
926 Walker 107
927 Wall 22
928 Wallentinus 2
929 Walsh 30
930 Walters 14
931 Ward 54
932 Wares 0
933 Warren 50
934 Waters 21
935 Watkins 22
936 Watson 50
937 Watt 3
938 Watts 25
939 Waughe 1
940 Weaver 17
941 Weber 16
942 Webster 29
943 Welch 23
944 Welsh 10
945 Whalen 8
946 Wheeler 44
947 White 106
948 Whiteside 3
949 Wiley 5
950 Williams 131
951 Wilson 128
952 Winter 19
953 Winters 7
954 Wood 64
955 Woods 37
956 Wright 66
957 Young 72
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