About us
August 11 2013 - A potentially major news break occurred today. Andy Grierson of the Rocca citizen-scientist team has announced that an SNP they've labeld DF99 has been discovered. It appears in P312* people and has been found in samples from Tuscany, Peru and Great Britain so it is widespread and could be quite old.
July 18 2013 - A major restructuring of the project subgroupings has commenced. P312*, DF19 and L238 subgroupings are being moved towards the top.
July 15 2013 - A broadcast email was sent out to announce the focus on P312*, DF19 and L238 while supporting joining of U152+, L21+, DF27+ sub-projects as is appropriate. The new project administrators were also announced.
July 2 2013 - Project screen updates are being made. including the notice to join people to valid sub-projects of R1b-P312 haplogroups, such as U152, L21 and DF27. Project members will remain in the project, the only difference is they will be added to the appropriate sub-haplogroup project(s).
June 30 2013 - There are now over 1600 members in the project, the vast majority with 67 Y STR markers or more.
May 3 2012 - Huge news! R1b is found in ancient Bell Beaker remains near Kromsdorf, Germany. One of the bodies tested M269+ and U106- (not sure why they didn't test for P312 but P312 is a likely candidate.)
April 2010 - 800 members!
May 26 2008 - 100th member!
May 2008 - R1b-P312-Project Yahoo Group formed intended for project updates, news and member Q&A/help. This is the best way to talk to your project administrators and experts.
May 3 2008 - 50th member
April 20 2008 - Project start