About us
Details of the yDNA results for project members can be viewed by following the 'DNA Results' link on the left. So far, we only have yDNA results for a handful of the surnames on our list ... we are actively seeking more testers to represent other surnames. Can you help?
Please note that the SURNAMES link on the left does not begin to represent the number of Ravenstonedale surnames currently represented in our membership ... we have yDNA results representing four of the most commonly found surnames, and Family Finder results for over 30 Ravenstonedale surnames. Hopefully ftDNA will sort out this feature in the near future!
You can read more about the Family Finder part of the project and view some sample results on our website the Ravenstonedale DNA Project
Please note that the SURNAMES link on the left does not begin to represent the number of Ravenstonedale surnames currently represented in our membership ... we have yDNA results representing four of the most commonly found surnames, and Family Finder results for over 30 Ravenstonedale surnames. Hopefully ftDNA will sort out this feature in the near future!
You can read more about the Family Finder part of the project and view some sample results on our website the Ravenstonedale DNA Project