About us
The project is intended to document information about the Riehle
surname (or closely related surnames) including:
• Y-DNA diversity and commonality among people with the Riehle surname
• Details about various Riehle family contingents:
- Y-DNA information related to each family contingent
- For those in the Americas, identity of immigrant ancestors, from where they emigrated and where they settled.
- For those in Europe, location of historic and current geographic pockets associated with the Riehle surname
- Where adequate information is available, the interconnection of family contingents:
• Between and among previously disconnected family contingents in the Americas
• Between continents
• Details of Y-DNA mutations and related migration patterns through the millennia along with best available explanations about what brought these ancestors to Germanic Europe
The project serves as a link between the genetic genealogy website www.riehle.net and the more purely genetic science resources available here at Family Tree DNA.