
  • 99 members

About us

People with the RIX (or RICKS or REX or DE RIJCK or DE RYCK or DE RYCKE or RIJCK or RYCK or RYCKE or RYCKS or other variant) surname are invited to participate in this RIX Surname DNA Project. Females may encourage or sponsor a RIX male relative such as father, brother, uncle or cousin to test.

The objectives of this project are to :
• break down brickwalls in your RIX family history research
• discover how your RIX ancestors are related to other families with the RIX surname
• discover how the different RIX family lines are related worldwide
• discover whether the RIX lines that trace back to the county of Norfolk, England, are related or have separate origins
• provide leads for those RIX and RICKS living in the USA to link up and reach back across the pond
• discover which RIX researchers are able collaborate their family history research because their DNA results show that they share a common RIX ancestor

We encourage males with the surname (or an interest in the surname) Rix or Ricks to take the most comprehensive Y-DNA test that suits their budget. A minimum of the Y-DNA37 marker test is recommended as the best value for money.

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