Robeson Co. NC American Indian
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About us

The Robeson Co. NC American Indian Regional DNA Project is open to anyone who believes they are (or could be) descendants of an American Indian, and who desire to determine and/or prove their American Indian heritage when their ancestors are believed to originally be from the Robeson Co., North Carolina vicinity. The vicinity includes the counties adjacent to Robeson County in both North and South Carolina. The Lumbee Tribe is but one of the American Indian Tribes that has inhabited the southeast North Carolina and northeast South Carolina area over the past 500 years. The region was also host to many Indians who were not associated with an organized tribe. This project is not associated with any specific tribe, but participation includes people researching their heritage associated with any of the following tribes or groups: Catawba, Cheraws, Chowanoc, Coharie, Croatoan, Indians of Robeson County, Lumbee, PeeDee, Tuscarora , Waccamaw, etc. The Robeson County area and this project cover a melting-pot of Indian cultures and tribal people. This DNA project is available to people who have obtained a Y-Chromosome test (direct paternal line), a mitochondrial DNA test (direct maternal line) and/or an atDNA test (Family Finder) with FTDNA. The primary objective of this project is to establish the genetic profile(s) for the various American Indians in the region, regardless of tribe affiliation, if any. In addition, the results of this project will assist family historians trace their American Indian ancestry and identify their genetic cousins among the other members and their Indian ancestors. The 19th century U.S. censuses identified prominent Indian family surnames from this region to be Brayboy, Brooks, Carter, Chavis, Cumbo, Dial, Hammond, Kersey, Locklear, Lowry, Oxendine and Revels. They are usually listed in the Census as "All Other Free Persons." Other surnames of interest to the this Project include: Allen, Berry, Brewington, Byrd, Cumbaa, Gallagher, Goins, Hersey, Jordan, Kelly, Middleton, Morgan, Stanley, Strickland, Webb and Woolfork. The U.S. census identifies the surnames listed below as names used by some Indian families. Many of these surnames also identify Caucasian and African families as well in the Robeson County vicinity. Robert B. Noles, Robeson Co. NC American Indian Group Administrator (
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