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The Robbins Project is open to all families with this surname, of all spelling variations, and from all locations.
The following surnames are represented in the Robbins surname project. Robbins, Robins, Robines, and Robens.
IF your surname variation of the name Robbins is not represented, please contact an administrator.
After joining the group, here is a great resource for you to post your brick wallsand inquiries to the admins and others interested in the Robbins/Robins surname.
The group has an activity feed at
which is a forum for the group to post regarding genealogy or DNA questions!
ForFamily Group One members, the following books may be of interest…
Robbins, Robbins of New Jersey by John W. Taylor, Jr. and Sara Robbins Hoffman
The exile of Daniel Robins to America in 1652 by Sara Robbins Hoffman
The following posts are left here as a courtesy to other members. This section is out of date and is not being updated. The family groups have been updated in the years since creation of this group, and are not corresponding correctly with the current groups. Refer to the activity feed for posting of brick walls and genealogies.
Family Group #1
Research is ongoing to connect all these individuals to the Scottish immigrant Daniel Robins(Robinson) and wife Hope Potter. Daniel died in 1714 in Crosswicks, Monmouth Co., NJ. His immediate family is well documented but some of his children's families have sketchy records. While some descendants remained in the New Jersey area,migration patterns reflect movement through Pennsylvania,FrederickCo., VA,Randolph (now Rowan) Co., NC; Randolph Co., IL; Ohio,Tennessee; Kentucky and Missouri.
Kit # 82203 descends from Daniel and Hope through their son Benjamin, his son Richard (1724 NJ-1785 Prince Edward Island), his son Benjamin (1760 NJ-1837OH)co-founder in 1796 of Centerville, OH; his son Richard (1784 NJ-1837 OH) andhis son Samuel L. (1829 OH-1910 OH). Variations in markers from this sample arecolored in blue on the other test results.
Brick walls for Family Group #1 include:
William Robbins (about 1745- 1816)of Rutherford Co., NC.;kit 26091 descends from William's son Phillip through his son William, 49584& 88741 descend from Phillip through his son John,& 63506 descends fromWilliam's son James
Charles Robbins (b. 1830) of Randolph County, Illinois.kit 28822
Jonathan Robins Sr, born circa 1720, place unknown, died about, (butbefore)Oct. 18, 1796, in Alexandria Township, Hunterdon Co. NJ.Occupation:weaver.Spouse Unknown; kit 42377
IsaacRobbins who died about 1838 in Overton Co.,TN.; kit 42581
LeviRobbins (c1806- c1856) of Overton Co., TN.; kit37486
JacobG. Robbins, born 19 Dec 1827 in Jennings County, Indiana.Jacob died 4 Mar 1918 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Jacob’sfather is believed to be Ransom Robbins, born 28 Jan 1793 in Montgomery County,Virginia. Ransom died in Oct 1869 in Le Seuer County, Minnesota.Ransom’s father is believed to be James Robbins, born about 1769 in Guilford County, North Carolina. James’father is believed to be Jacob Robbins, who married Mary Wells.Kit 67637
George Robins, b. c1806, of PA and Warren Co., NJ kit 72633
James H Robbins, c1830 Overton Co TN; Howell Co MO kit 72663
WilliamRobins, 1761 - 1837, of NJ,PA& OH kit 53237
Daniel M. Robbins. His Civil War records and pension file say he was born in Jefferson County Ohio in1823. He died June 1887 in Pierce County Wisconsin and is buried in the Trim Belle cemetery there. A marriage license for Daniel M. filed with Pierce County in May, 1879 lists his parents as Daniel and Margaret Robbins. Kit#73506.
George Robbins c1833-1881, of Sunflower Co., MS kit 50143
Richard Robins, b c1710, res. Rowan Co., NC kit 40812
Kit # 92387 has a paper trail to Ephraim Robbins who settled in Fayette Co., PA from NJ c 1807. He has an oral history relating Ephraim to Daniel and Hope. Heis one marker off on his 12 marker test, however - the marker that doesn'tmatch is the least stable marker in that 12 marker panel.
Kit 35619 has a paper trail connecting him to kit 24430 through Elmer Robbins and Sarah Owens.Elmer'smother was Rhoda Robbins, unknown father. Rhoda Robbins' parents wereJoshua Robbins and Mary Brown;Joshua's father might have been Daniel Robbins.The exact match here indicates the unknown father might have been a DanielRobbins/Hope Potter descendant,although since no surname is available thiskit's results are inconclusive.There are numerous 12/12 matches with different surnames.
There are also matches to this family in the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, http://www.smgf.org
Kit 166144 Blatchley Robins (Father Daniel Robins who was married to Sarah Blatchley) who was born in 1772-3, New Jersey,and died in Gainsboro, Lincoln County, Upper Canada in 1814. l. We can find no evidence that Daniel Robins,father of Blatchley ever made it to Canada. There is a Daniel Robins, as well as a Joshua, who appears as having been a prisoner in the British ships in the East River during the Revolutionary War. A lot of those people died in those ships
Family Group #2
Kit # 35097's oldest ancestor is Joel Robbins, Coosa County, Alabama
Kit # 60549's oldest ancestor is William Robbins b 1815 Edgecomb Co NC d 3/28/1893 White co,TN.
These two kits are an exact match on 37 of 37 markers, which means thatthere is a 50% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 2-3 generationsback, a 90% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 5 generations back,anda 95% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 7 generations back.
Kit # 34435's oldest ancestor is Thomas Robbins, b.c.1775, Edgecombe Co., NC. His results match on 10 of 12 markers with the other two kits. This means that there is a50% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 16.5 generations back, a90%probability that the MRCA was no longer than 56 generations back, and a95%probability that the MRCA was no longer than 72 generations back.
Kit # 78842's oldest ancestor, John Robins born circa 1720 has links to Orange Co., VA and Wilkes Co., NC. His addition to the group adds Orange Co. VA to the mix and a possible common ancestor for the other three members of this group.
Family Group #3
Kits 36044, 7517, 24663 are an exact match on 12 of 12 markers. This means that there is a50% probability that the MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) was no longer than7 generations ago; a 90% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 23 generations ago, and a 95% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 29 generations back.
Kit 72563 matches 11 of 12 and the oldest known ancestor is unknown at this time. This means that there is a 50% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 17generations back, a 90% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 39 generations back, and a 95% probability that the MRCA was no longer than 47 generations back.
Oldest known ancestor of 36044 is Job Robbins, born 1769 in Masonville, Rensselaer Co., NY.
Oldest known ancestor of 24663 is Benjamin (b. 1796) and Sarah Bailey Robbins, VT; Jersey Township,Steuben County (now Tyrone Twp. Schuyler County) NY; JenningsCounty,Indiana 1836-1857.
Oldest known ancestor of 7517 is John Robbins born 9/1/1792 VA married Susan Risinger March 3/1810 Jefferson Co. KY settled in Knox Co., Indiana.
Kit 72563 matched 11 of 12 markers, but when the markers were expanded, he was eliminated from this group.
Kit 24632's oldest ancestor is George Robbins, ?-1689, Chelmsford, Mass.
Kit 53060 is also a descendant of George Robbins through another son. They were a perfect match on the first 12 markers, only 1 variation in 13-25 markers and one additional variation in 26 - 37 markers. Both independently traced their Robbins ancestry back to George Robbins. The DNA results have validated bothmen's research back to George Robbins and indicates that there is a 50%probability that the MRCA was no longer than 6 generations back, a90%probability that the MRCA was no longer than 12 generations back, and a95%probability that the MRCA was no longer than 14 generations back.
Family Group #5
Kit 24558's oldest ancestor is "John the Elder" Robbins, who died at sea. He wasaccompanied by his son "John the Younger", to Va. on theship"Margaret and John", who settled in Elizabeth City, Co. and laterGloucester Co. Va., from Buckby , England in 1622.
Kit 33788's oldest ancestor is John Robbins, b 1808 SC; resided Overton Co., TN and has an 11/12match with sample 24558.
Kit 60287's oldest ancestor is John Robbins, and has an 11/12 match with sample 24558 & 33788.
Kit 56969's oldest ancestor is Nathaniel Clark Robbins born TNcirca 1807. He married Ede W. Phillips at Lexington, Henderson Co., TN, on 20Dec 1838.Nathaniel died circa 1893 in TN. There is a 10 of 12 match to Kit47003, whose oldest ancestor is unknown at this time.
Kits 35682 & 35221match on 10 of 12 markers. This means that there is a 50% probabilitythat the MRCA was no longer than 16.5 generations back, a 90% probability thatthe MRCA was no longer than 56 generations back, and a 95% probability that theMRCA was no longer than 72 generations back. Not a close match to be sure butthere is a common ancestor.
This is a perplexing butfascinating puzzle. Both men, Robbins descendants, have a well documented papertrail back to Richard, son of Daniel & Hope Potter Robbins (FamilyGroup#1). Yet their DNA does not match. More descendants are testing to seewhere the difference might have occurred.
Kit 24430 oldest ancestor is DanielRobbins ofCarolina,descendants settled in Kentucky.
Kit 35221 oldest ancestor is John Robbins (mid-1600's) ofCape Cod as documented by H.N .Latey.
Kit 34787 oldest known ancestor is Marcus LorenzoRobbins(1808-1898). He believes that Jotham Robbins of Lancaster, Ma. born1774,who married Sarah Godfrey in 1796 and died in Lockport, NY is the fatherof Marcus, but lacks proof.
Kit 35097 oldest ancestor is Thomas Robbins Sr.(1675-?), whose descendants migrated from North Carolina to Alabamain the
kit 117378. His great grandfather was JohnS.Robbins born c 1794 or 1797 in Edgecombe Co NC Our searching sofar leads us to believe that his father was Stephen Robbins married to JulianaTaylor; his father was William Robbins born about 1774 in Edgecombe CoNC.William's father was William born 1745 and his father was William born1720.I think his father was Thomas born 1695. Stephen andWilliam were born in Edgecombe Co NC.
kit 51831 ancestors John S Robbins born Mar 1879 GreatGrandmother Jennie Robbins born July 1878 My grandfather- Claude RobbinsGonzales County TX
kit 200525 My oldest Robbins relative that I can prove isAndrew Martin Robbins born 03/18/1814 in Jennings, Indiana Died 11/20/1882 inWaterville, MN. His Father is supposedly a James Robbins born about 1771 inNorth Carolina and died about 1854 in Indiana. James Robbins father issupposedly a Jacob Robbins 1738 Wales - 1830 Jennings Indiana he was married toa Mary Wells.
Kit 221104 ancestors
Generation 1
Thomas Robbins was born in 1792 in Devizes,Wiltshire,England.He died in 1858 in Devizes ,Wiltshire, England. Hemarried Mary Knott in 1813.
Thomas Robbins and MaryKnott had the following children:
2. JOHN ROBBINS wasborn on 31 Aug 1815 in Devizes, Wiltshire, England. He died
on 21 Feb 1870 inMelksham, Wiltshire, England. He married CATHERINE SELMAN on
07 Jul 1838 inMelksham,Wiltshire, England, daughter of Robert SELMAN and
Mary BAKER. She was bornabout 09 Jul 1815 in Melksham, Wiltshire, England.
She died on 29 Jul 1878in Melksham,Wiltshire, England.
ii. MARY ROBBINS wasborn on Devizes,Wiltshire, England.
2. JOHNROBBINS (Thomas)was born on 31 Aug 1815 in Devizes, Wiltshire,England.He died on 21 Feb 1870 in Melksham, Wiltshire,England. He married CATHERINESELMAN on 07 Jul 1838 in Melksham,Wiltshire, England, daughter ofRobert SELMAN and Mary BAKER. She was born about 09 Jul 1815 in Melksham,Wiltshire, England. She died on 29 Jul 1878 in Melksham, Wiltshire, England.
Kit 155007 oldest ancestors are John Robbins& MaryShaughnessy
Kit 180125 earliest ancestor as Gentleman John Robbins, b.3Mar 1583 in England and his wife Hester. Our line descends from his son John R.Robbins b.abt. 1615 in England and died 27 Jun 1660 in Wethersfield,CT.
KIT 205908 Earliest ancestors are Thomas Robbins, my GGGGgrandfather, born 1740 possibly in Screven Co. GA married ca 1769 Sarah Harnage I am descended from their son Elijah Robbins .amdescended from their son Elijah Robbins .
Family Group #9
In the group 'Robbins 9' of the Y-DNA testresults list are to be found persons who have 'Nicholas Robbins' as the'Paternal Ancestor Name'.
A summary on theNicholas Robbins Family and its Project is given at the following webaddress:https://sites.google.com/site/nicholasrobbinsfamilyproject
Discussed in this summary are: theproject goal, a book and an accompanying web site on familyhistory and genealogy, the recent discovery of the placeof origin in England of Nicholas and family, DNA test results of familymembers, and presently on-going research on the identity and origin ofimmediate ancestors of Nicholas and wife.