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About us

On November 25, 2006, the Centre for Life in Newcastle upon Tyne sponsored an event to collect DNA samples for 100 Robson men for a study that will be included in an exhibit at the Centre for Life in March 2007 called "The Robson Encyclopaedia". As this will be a blind study, individual results will not be provided to the Robson men who were tested. The stated goal of that study is to determine if there exists a North Tynedale Robson Clan modal haplotype (a sequence of DNA marker values that occurs most frequently in a population of Robson men).

Assuming that these Robson men would like to know if they, individually, match the North Tynedale Robson Clan Modal Haplotype, we started this DNA study project to make those comparisons possible.

This FTDNA sponsored Robson surname DNA project is not officially associated with or sanctioned by the Robson Encyclopaedia DNA project sponsored by the Centre for Life.