
Y-DNA Surname Project
  • 39 members

About us

Updated 14 September 2024. The Big Y 700 is our test of choice for males. To help find family connections for the ROSENBERGs of all spelling and variations. By joining the group you agree to provide the project with 3 things. 1) The surname of the person being tested. 2) The name, date and place of birth of the oldest researched male ancestor of your male patrilineal line and the oldest researched female ancestor of your matrilineal line. 3) Permission to publish the DNA results and the names, dates and places of birth of the oldest known patrilineal or matrilineal ancestor. Individuals surnamed ROSENBERG, ROSENBURG, ROZENBERG, ROSENBERGER, and variations are welcome to join this Y-DNA surname project. Only males have a Y-chromosome, so only males can participate. For females to participate in a male Y-DNA project, you will need to find a male relative who is willing to be tested on behalf of your line — as long as your email address is included on his member account, you can share access to the account. To participate meaningfully, members will need to share their patrilineal (direct male line) ancestry back to their earliest known ancestor. Members will need to sign the Release that comes with their kit allowing matching and sharing. Members will also need to set the sharing of their results (not their identity) to "Anyone" on the "Privacy & Sharing" tab of their member page. Otherwise, their test results will not appear on the Project Results page here at the FamilyTreeDNA web site. If you don't share results and earliest ancestor information, your test results won't be of use to genealogical researchers.
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