St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 174 members

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We encourage you to join us in our discoveries.

Test results contain no personal information, and you will match or be a close match to those to whom you are related. This is an opportunity to learn more about your origins and ancestry.

Order your test kit TODAY!!! Click "Join Request" on the top menu bar.


17 Dec 2020 - (by Dean Sawyer)
Updated SNP mutation history tree for all groups.  See link on Results page.

13 Jul 2018 - (by Dean Sawyer)
Added mutation history trees for All Groups, Group 1, Group 2, and Group B.  Please see links on Results page to download pdf files.

17 Dec 2017 - (by Dean Sawyer)
Added a basic mutation history tree based on current SNP data.  Two project members are currently awaiting BigY results expected in early Feb 2018.  I intend to add STR data to this tree soon.

10 Oct 2017 - (by Dean Sawyer)
I am a new administrator just taking over this project.  I have done a lot of reading and studying, but I have not done this before.  I am looking for a co-administrator with practical experience running a project to help me with this.  If you have practical experience, please contact me.

Following comment retained for archival purposes:
This project began January 15, 2005.
As of December, 1, 2006 we have a total of 17 members with results. Quite a few matches, hopefully giving additional information.
There are at least two unrelated branches of Sawyers in the US. The Northern branch came into the upper northeast and stayed mostly in the north as they migrated westward. The Southern branch came in Virginia, North and South Carolina and moved westward from there.