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Scotclans - updated 14 October 2022

According to the Electric Scotland website

Names associated with the clan: On most clan pages you'll see this section. There are a tremendous number of variations on the spelling of names so this is our attempt at listing names that we believe are associated with these clans. Our thanks to House of Tartan for providing this information but do note this is simply an effort on our part to help out and this is by no means an "Official" list.

[Notes: Let me just say that we always recommend you visit your own clan web site as that is where you should get the most up to date information on your clan. This is also why we will always list official clan web sites where we know of them].

The specific source of our classification is the Clan and Family Encyclopaedia written by George Way and Romilly Squire (both eminent scholars and officials of the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs and Lord Lyon's office'.)
 = Officially registered clans, with Clan Chiefs, that are registered with the Lord Lyon Court.
** = Officially registered clans, without Clan Chiefs, that are registered with the Lord Lyon Court.
= These are clans that we are told are in the process of applying for registration.

From a letter received from the Court of the Lord Lyon 28 August 2002
"I think it would be fair to say that there are official clans that both have a clan chief and do not have a clan chief, but we would not normally use the word "official". There is either a clan or there is not, be it with a chief or chiefless. It is not so much the case that the clan is recognised, it is that there has been a recognised chief of the name, and that constitutes a chief or an organised group of people being either a clan or family."

Also see Clans, Families and Septs written by Sir Crispin Agnew of Lochnaw Bt., which will give the official position of the Lyon Court.