St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


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About us

Updated 14 September 2024. The Big Y 700 is our test of choice for males. We do ask that ALL who join the project be of actual Scots-Irish ancestry. In your application to join please describe how you meet this criteria. This is a Y chromosome project so men only test. Ladies may participate by proxy (have a male relative take the test. The majority of the Scots-Irish are of Ulster Scots ancestry. Generally speaking there were three migrations of Scots into Ulster; these are 1)Scottish Lowland settlers to Ulster during the Plantation of Ulster (1610-1700), 2) Highland Scots that migrated to northern Ireland in the 1500s, and 3) Gallóglaigh Scots that migrated to Ireland circa 1300 to 1400. There are other families that identify as Scots-Irish that are native Irish, Manx, and Border English, but married into and are part of Scots-Irish society.
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