Sephardic World Migrations

  • 1575 members

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Cross-Ethnic Autosomal DNA Matches
Between Members of the Sephardic World Migrations Project

* Sephardic Jews matching Ashkenazic Jews
* Sephardic Jews matching Latin Americans, Iberians, Guamanians, and Filipinos
* Ashkenazic Jews matching Latin Americans, Iberians, Guamanians, and Filipinos

A typical Sephardic segment shared across ethno-religious groups from a common ancestor in the 1400s or 1500s has a length between 6 cM and 13 cM. The longer a segment is, the closer the relationship usually is. Some carriers of a Sephardic segment will match each other more strongly because of a more recent common ancestor held between certain matching pairs.  Due to the homozygous nature of endemic populations smaller segments to 2cM's can also be used to tie project members to specific populations of Sephardic people. 

Color codes:

D. NaccacheMizrahi, Sefaradi and a bit of Ashkenazi ancestry from Malta Tunisia Livorno Mallorca Morocco 
Project matches
G. Cortes El Oro de Hidalgo, State of Mexico, Mexico (paternal) Mexico (Maternal) - 5th to Remote Cousin
J. Guerra = Mexico - 5th to Remote Cousin
M. Sandoval = Chile (paternal) Spain (maternal) - 5th to Remote Cousin
J. A. Guerra = Monterrey expansion, northeastern Mexican Catholic ancestry - 5th to Remote Cousin
J-L Fitoussi = Tunisian Jew - 2nd to 4th Cousin
R.    M. Payne = Sephardic Ashkenazi Jewish - 5th to Remote Cousin
David Gamrasni  - 7 great grand-parents from Tunisia and 1 from Algeria - 5th to Remote Cousin
Note: small overlap between D.Naccache and the following 
G Cortes 5 129643803 132983298 3.03 700
J & JA guerra 5 128493226 131819957 2.02 600
J-L Fitoussi 5 128908924 132242229 2.4 600
R M. Payne 5 128908924 132242229 2.4 600
Sephardic Mexican block on chr 5 from 129643803 to 131819957

S. Roffe (see also above)
M. Davis = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestors from Poland, Ukraine, Moldova
12    107280282    111796055    5.39    877
22    26430759    31786090    7.92    1286

S. Roffe (see also above)
J. Bauman = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry but including the Sephardic surname Abravanel
"J. Bauman","S. Roffe",8,64991177,71284972,8.24,1500
"J. Bauman","S. Roffe",22,27629806,31506450,6.32,986

A. I. Hazan (see also above)
E. D. Eisenberg = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry from Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine
"E. D. Eisenberg","A. I. Hazan",6,73987841,88800220,9.09,3000
"E. D. Eisenberg","A. I. Hazan",12,108801346,113275838,5.91,977

A. I. Hazan (see also above)
C. K. Cleveland = E. Eisenberg's mother; Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry from Lithuania and Belarus
"C. K. Cleveland","A. I. Hazan",6,73987841,88800220,9.09,3000

A. I. Hazan (see also above)
A. M. Kossin = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry including from Lithuania
"A. M. Kossin","A. I. Hazan",6,73987841,88800220,9.09,3000 (same place where Albert matches E. D. Eisenberg and C.K. Cleveland)

A. I. Hazan (see also above)
D. A. Fuhrer = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry including from Lithuania; nephew of C. K. Cleveland
chromosome 15 from 70195123-77506108, 7.84 cM, 1461 SNPs

A. I. Hazan (see also above)
R. B. Fuhrer = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry from Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine; brother of D. Fuhrer
"R. B. FUHRER","A. I. Hazan",6,73987841,88800220,9.09,3000
"R. B. FUHRER","A. I. Hazan",15,70195123,77506108,7.84,1461

A. I. Hazan (see also above)
E. G. Ticktin = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry including from Lithuania

I. A. Hazan = parent/child pair with A. I. Hazan
E. J. Tacher = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry
11    45033120    65072958    8.53    3400

I. A. Hazan (see also above)
E. D. Eisenberg (see also above)
"E. D Eisenberg","I. A. Hazan",6,73987841,88800220,9.09,3000 (same area where E. Eisenberg matches I. A. Hazan)

I. A. Hazan (see also above)
C. K. Cleveland (see also above)
"C. K. Cleveland","I. A. Hazan",6,73632124,88800220,9.40,3100 (same area where C. K. Cleveland matches I. A. Hazan and where E. D. Eisenberg matches I. A. Hazan and A. I. Hazan)

I. A. Hazan (see also above)
R. B. Fuhrer (see also above)
"R. B. FUHRER","I. A. Hazan",6,73632124,88800220,9.40,3100 (same area where E. D. Eisenberg matches I. A. Hazan and A. I. Hazan and where C. K. Cleveland and A. M. Kossin match A. I. Hazan)

K. A. Brook = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestors, mostly from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus
C. D. Rendon = Northeastern Mexican Catholic ancestry

Comparing Kit T544042 (Mr. K. A. Brook) and T852240 (C. D. Rendon)
Chr         Start Location         End Location         Centimorgans (cM)         SNPs
10        126,175,608        129,540,729        8.0        1,324

This match has been validated through segment triangulation at GEDmatch.
It was inherited from Kevin's mother.

M. Salama = Sephardic Jewish ancestry from Morocco, Gibraltar, and Spain
M. Quezada (see also above)
chromosome 4 from 9055941-16774458, 10.12 cM, 2094 SNPs

M. Salama (see also above)
D. A. Fuhrer (see also above)
chromosome 4 from 53166928-59620346, 8.1 cM, 1449 SNPs

P. Dybman = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry
M. G. Chapa Guerra and M. G. Chapa's son J. G. Chapa = Northeastern Mexican ancestry including from the original settlers of Monterrey

P. Dybman matches M. G. Chapa Guerra:
chromosome 21 from 26,043,663-33,539,599, 11.8 cM, 2005 SNPs

P. Dybman matches J. G. Chapa:
chromosome 21 from 26776572-32754546, 9.04 cM, 1697 SNPs

These matches have been validated through segment triangulation at GEDmatch.

G. Benveniste - "One of many Benveniste males in Australia, all descendants of my grandfather M. Benveniste, a French-speaking and Ladino-speaking Sephardi who was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1882 and migrated from Egypt to South Australia."

A. G. Alvarado - Monterrey and Zacatecas Mexico surname family finder closest relatives

G. Benveniste
A. Gonzalez Alvarado 7 63079623 68533329 4.3 900
G. Benveniste
A. Gonzalez Alvarado 9 79367374 83224744 8.01 1095

G. Benveniste = Sephardic Jewish, ancestors from Bulgaria, Crete, Italy, and Egypt (see also above)
N. Gabriel = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry
15    47020670    55782213    9.63    2200

G. Benveniste (see also above)
K. A. Brook (see also above)
10    77536738    83955328    8.89    1900
X    97115878    107215092    7.16    1050

G. Benveniste (see also above)
J. Bauman (see also above)
chromosome 12 from 17279528 to 24184439 across 9.25 cM with 2400 SNPs

G. Benveniste (see also above)
P. Dybman (see also above)

G. Benveniste (see also above)
C. K. Cleveland (see also above)

D. Sciaky (see also above)
E. G. Ticktin (see also above)
chromosome 13 from 99682492-103786016, 9.75 cM, 1600 SNPs

D. Sciaky (see also above)
J. Del Toro a.k.a. J. Lobaina = Cuban

Comparing Kit T011030 (J. Lobaina) and T680954 (D. Sciaky)
Chr     Start Location     End Location     Centimorgans (cM)     SNPs
5    134,803,516    141,738,972    6.3    1,432

This match has been validated through segment triangulation at GEDmatch.

N. ben Shael - "I am a Jew from Israeil. My family came to Spain during the period it was part of the Roman Empire. We arrived from Israel during the destruction of the Second Temple. Then in the expulsion of Jews from Spain we moved from Spain together with part of the Jewish community to Morocco. Then we came back to Israel after the establishment of the state of Israel."

S. Rios - Tepic Nayarit, Mexico & Sanchez Roman, Zacatecas, Mexico

N. ben Shael S. Rios 9 28368229 36637786 9.17 1949

N. ben Shael (see also above)
M. A. Lizarraga = Mexican ancestry
chromosome 9 from 79367374-83224744, 8.01 cM, 1095 SNPs

N. ben Shael (see also above)
C. S. Bregman = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry from Austria, Germany, Poland, Belarus
chromosome 10 from 32680145-49437552, 8.77 cM, 2445 SNPs

N. M. Salinas = Mexican + New Mexican heritage
C. S. Bregman (see also above)
chromosome 10 from 33570303-50509573, 9.54 cM, 2645 SNPs

N. M. Salinas (see also above)
N. ben Shael (see also above)
chromosome 10 from 30927958-49437552, 10.51 cM, 2845 SNPs

Family Finder provides evidence of triangulation between N. M. Salinas, N. ben Shael, and C. S. Bregman on this segment.
The match between N. ben Shael and C. S. Bregman has been further verified by triangulation inside GEDmatch.

N. ben Shael (see also above)
S. Villarreal = Northeast Mexican ancestry
1    82521165    90373405    8.67    2097
11    115962550    119217434    5.98    1100

C. Weinstock        Origins = 98% Ashkenazi Jewish
J. A. Guerra    (see also above)
ChromosomeStart LocationEnd LocationcentiMorgans (cM)# of Matching SNPs
14 26503089 31708664 8.42 1087

"Projet-DANA-Y-2 Dana" = Tunisian Jew
D. Weinstock = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry
chromosome 1 from 87327144-94840935, 7.88 cM, 1897 SNPs

"Projet-DANA-Y-2 Dana" (see also above)
G. Saks = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry

A. Alfi = Tunisian Jew
H. Wolinsky = Ashkenazic ancestry including from Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine
chromosome 6 from 25580766-36426553, 8.13 cM, 8500 SNPs

A. Alfi (see also above)
G. Saks (see also above)

O. Yerushalmi = Egyptian Jew
C. K. Cleveland (see also above)

O. Yerushalmi (see also above)
D. A. Fuhrer (see also above)
chromosome 17 from 47170360-52721558, 7.82 cM, 1396 SNPs

O. Yerushalmi (see also above)
R. B. Fuhrer (see also above)
"R. B FUHRER","O. Yerushalmi",13,28284474,33943950,8.52,1900
"R. B FUHRER","O. Yerushalmi",16,1074819,5067722,7.28,1100 (same area where A. Kossin matches O. Yerushalmi)

O. Yerushalmi (see also above)
A. M. Kossin (see also above)
"A. M Kossin","O. Yerushalmi",16,780770,5462149,7.85,1300
"A. M Kossin","O. Yerushalmi",16,62992062,70182710,7.00,1494

O. Yerushalmi (see also above)
H. Gil = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry from Poland and possibly also Ukraine
16    28020564    48877496    8.12    1400

M. Saltiel = Greek Sephardic Jew
D. A. Fuhrer (see also above)
chromosome 17 from 62983465-66605087, 8.13 cM, 936 SNPs

Ms. Y. Mitrani = Sephardic Jew
H. Gil (see also above)
9    91500477    97394822    8.01    1400

A. Romano (see also above)
G. Saks (see also above)
10    8656133    11471699    5.97    1000
12    123534312    126068422    8.37    894

A. Romano (see also above)
G. Blankfort = Ashkenazi ancestry, including from Lithuania
4    176268476    180276961    6.21    1000
5    10680449    16290236    6.95    1299
8    22628061    28195157    9.39    1984
16    81315928    82798108    7.21    945

E. Askenazi = Jewish ancestors from Jerusalem, Israel; Istanbul, Turkey; and Larissa, Greece;
his surname indicates one distant Ashkenazic ancestor, but MyOrigins 2.0 estimates he is 0% Ashkenazi

K. A. Brook (see also above)

Comparing Kit T544042 (Mr. K. A. Brook) and A594895 (E. Askenazi)
Chr Start Location End Location Centimorgans (cM) SNPs
21 36,954,620 40,064,465 5.7 631

It was inherited from K.A. Brook's mother, who matches E. Ashkenazi in the same area with 7.4 cM and 730 SNPs.

A. R. Brown - Brańsk, Poland & Myszyniec, Poland Origins = 94% Ashkenazi Jewish

J. C. Colon-Novick - Coamo, Puerto Rico & Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
J. C. Colon-Novick A. R. Brown 22 37781030 42719750 8.19 1186

A. R. Brown (see also above)
R. N. Cantu = Northeastern Mexican ancestry including from Tamaulipas

Comparing Kit T586134 (R. N Cantu) and T247347 (A. R. Brown)
Chr     Start Location     End Location     Centimorgans (cM)     SNPs
15    68,430,880    77,474,952    8.2    1,766

This match has been validated through segment triangulation at GEDmatch.

L. Montenegro = Colombian
I. Konforti = Southeast European (matching Christian people including Serbians and Albanians) plus minority Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jewish ancestries (Konforti was a surname among Sephardim in Serbia, Bosnia, and Bulgaria)
chromosome 13 from 52763564-71824009, 15.89 cM, 4300 SNPs

M. Garrido = Cuban
I.   Bahar = Sephardic Jewish from Turkey + Ashkenazi Jewish + Iraqi Jewish ancestral mix
"M. E. Garrido","I. Bahar",10,119630251,125591671,11.52,2150

Reference Project Population


P. Afon = 53% Ashkenazi 26% Sephardic on Origins estimate.

S. S. Agnew

S. J. Alberts

M. Alfe

A. Alfi = Tunisian Jew

L Ascoli

Ashkenazi = Jewish ancestors from Jerusalem, Israel; Istanbul, Turkey; and Larissa, Greece

S. Ashkenazi = Jewish and Middle Eastern Origins estimate

A. Avigdor = Jewish and Middle Eastern Origins estimate

A Bacal

I.   Bahar = Sephardic Jewish from Turkey + Ashkenazi Jewish + Iraqi Jewish ancestral mix

M. Bailey

J. Bauman = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry but including the Sephardic surname Abravanel

T. M.
 Behar (partly Iraqi Jewish)

N. ben Shael - "I am a Jew from Israel. My family came to Spain during the period it was part of the Roman Empire. We arrived from Israel during the destruction of the Second Temple. Then in the expulsion of Jews from Spain we moved from Spain together with part of the Jewish community to Morocco. Then we came back to Israel after the establishment of the state of Israel."

G. Benveniste = Sephardic Jewish, ancestors from Bulgaria, Crete, Italy, and Egypt. "One of many Benveniste males in Australia, all descendants of my grandfather M. Benveniste, a French-speaking and Ladino-speaking Sephardi who was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1882 and migrated from Egypt to South Australia."

B. D. Berkowitz

G. Bernfeld

G. Blankfort = Ashkenazi ancestry, including from Lithuania

S. Blonder

F. Blumenthal = Also Middle Eastern (ME) and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

A. Boccara = Also ME, Iberian and South Eastern Euro on Origins estimate.

M. Bohbot = Also Middle Eastern (ME) and Southeastern Euro on Origins estmate.

C. S. Bregman = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry from Austria, Germany, Poland, Belarus

K. A. Brook = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestors from eastern Poland and western Ukraine

A. R. Brown
 - Brańsk, Poland & Myszyniec, Poland Origins = 94% Ashkenazi Jewish

M. Capelluto = Also Middle Eastern (ME) and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

M. T. Cardoza

J. Cherson

C. K. Cleveland = E. Eisenberg's mother; Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry from Lithuania and Belarus

Cohen = Also ME on Origins estimate.

I. e C
ohen = Also Middle Eastern and Southeastern and Eastern Euro on Origins estimate.

JD Cohen = Also Middle Eastern and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

Y. Cohen = Also ME on Origins estimate.

S. Dain = Also Eastern and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

Y. Da
na = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

"Projet-DANA-Y-2 Dana"
 = Tunisian Jew

L. David

M. Davis = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestors from Poland, Ukraine, Moldova

E. Da
ya = Also ME on Origins estimate.

Dresner (partly Romaniote Jewish)

P. Dybman = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry

E. D. Eisenberg = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry from Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine

K. El
liser = (partly Romaniote Jewish) Also ME on Origins estimate.

Noemie F = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

J. Farchi = A
lso ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

Farhi = Also ME on Origins estimate. 

S. Firpo

C.  FisherHebron-Israel; Istanbul-Turkey; Baghdad-Iraq; Algeria, Salonica, Greece; Jerusalem

J-L Fitoussi = Tunisian Jew

Y. Freimann = Also SE Euro on Origins estimate.

B. Freud = Also Western Euro and small percentage of ME on Origins estimate.

D. A. Fuhrer = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry including from Lithuania; nephew of C. K. Cleveland

R. B. Fuhrer

H.   G
abai Hebron-Israel, Istanbul-Turkey, Baghdad-Iraq, Algeria, Salonica-Greece,Jerusalem

N. Gabriel = Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry

D. Gamrasni  - 7 great grand-parents from Tunisia and 1 from Algeria

A. Gil

H. Gil = Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry from Poland and possibly also Ukraine

R. Ginis = Also SE Euro on Origins estimate.

T. Greengar
d = Also British Isles on Origins estimate.  Ashkenazic Jewish (paternal side) and maternal side is French Jewish (Tzarfati Jews) and Ashkenazi Jewish.

D. Grunberg = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

R. Grunberg = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

R. Harvey = Also ME on Origins estimate.

C. Hassid  = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

I. Hazan
 = Jewish ancestry from Aleppo, Syria and Israel


Jaradat = (Palestine) Also ME and SE Euro on Origins estimate.

M. Kap
lan = Also ME and SE Euro on Origins estimate.

B. Karp

M. Kassin = Also ME on Origins estimate.

I. Ko
nforti = Southeast European (matching Christian people including Serbians and Albanians) plus minority Ashkenazic and Sephardic 

A. M. Kossin = Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry including from Lithuania

G. Kossin 

B. c. Lan
e = Also SE Euro on Origins estimate.

P. Lazar

R. Levy

D. Ma = Also ME and SE Euro on Origins estimate.

S. Marel Schaffer = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

H. Mayman

G.    Menasce

N. Meyer-Delouya = Moroccan Jewish + Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry

J. A. Miller

Y. Mitrani = Sephardic Jew

D. Naccache = Also ME and SE Euro on Origins estimate.

N. Nahum

P.  Najar = Also ME and SE Euro on Origins estimate.

S. Na
kash   50% Ashkenazi and 50% Mizrahi 

G. Natan

A. N
egrin (partly Romaniote Jewish)

E. Negrin (partly Romaniote Jewish)

A. Palombo = Also ME and SE Euro on Origins estimate.

S. Pariente = Also Iberian, ME and SE Euro on Origins estimate.

M. Payne

E. Pittleman 

P. Asher Pitzele

Aviad R = Also ME and SE Euro on Origins estimate.

R.  Relkin = Also SE Euro and British on Origins estimate.

S. Roffe
 = Syrian Jew with ancestors from Aleppo, Syria and Beirut, Lebanon

M. Rogov = Also 5 percent Western Euro 2 percent SE Euro on Origins estimate.


A. Romano
 = Sephardic Jewish ancestry from Turkey

R Rubenstein 

G. Saks 

J. Saks

M. Salama = Sephardic Jewish ancestry from Morocco, Gibraltar, and Spain

S. S

M. Saltiel
 = Greek Sephardic Jew

W.  Salt

. Sasson

G. Schekler = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

D. Sciaky = Sephardic Jewish, ancestors from Salonika, Greece and Larissa, Greece

D. Silverberg

E.  Simsolo = Also Iberian, SE Euro and ME on Origins estimate.

A.   Sitbon = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

K.  Sokol

J.   Sondhelm

C. Souksi = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

G. Surujon

E. J. Tacher = Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry

E. G. Ticktin = Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry including from Lithuania. 5 percent Sephardic

D Turgeman = Also ME and Southeastern Euro on Origins estimate.

A. Tursh

M Wein

B. Weinstock

C. Weinstock = Origins = 98% Ashkenazi Jewish

D. Weinstock

H. Wolinsky
 = Ashkenazi ancestry including from Lithuania, Latvia, and Ukraine

O. Yerushalmi = Egyptian Jew

J Zagury

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