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If you are a Shannon male, consider being tested and joining this group as well as posting your results on
Please consider asking at least one male Shannon relative to test as well.
As some Shannon males are not personally interested in genealogy or feel their background is very well documented, consider donating funds to help get some of those well documented Shannons tested.

Places named Shannon
Shannon, Alabama, United States [Place] is in Jefferson County; location is 33°24'19"N 86°52'19"W [SourceGSP] Shannon, Alabama, United States Postal Service Zip Code is 35142 [SourcePSZ]
Shannon, Arkansas, United States [Place] is in Randolph County; location is 36°12'32"N 90°57'29"W [SourceGSP]
Shannon, Georgia, United States [CDP]; population was 1,703 in 1990; housing units was 722 in 1990; location is 34°20'N 85°5'W; land area is 5.01 square miles (3,208 acres); FIPS code is 69868 [SourceCBP] Shannon, Georgia, United States [Populated Place] is in Floyd County; location is 34°20'12"N 85°4'17"W [SourceGSP] Shannon, Georgia, United States Postal Service Zip Code is 30172 [SourcePSZ]
Shannon, Illinois, United States [Populated Place] is in Carroll County; location is 42°9'17"N 89°44'23"W [SourceGSP] Shannon, Illinois, United States [Village]; population was 887 in 1990; housing units was 342 in 1990; location is 42°9'N 89°44'W; land area is 0.48 square miles (306 acres); FIPS code is 68991 [SourceCBP] Shannon, Illinois, United States Postal Service Zip Code is 61078 [SourcePSZ]
Shannon, Kansas, United States [Place] is in Atchison County; location is 39°33'55"N 95°14'35"W; elevation is 1,100 feet [SourceGSP]
Shannon, Kentucky, United States [Place] is in Mason County; location is 38°32'54"N 83°53'29"W; elevation is 909 feet [SourceGSP]
Shannon, Mississippi, United States [Populated Place] is in Lee County; location is 34°6'58"N 88°42'42"W [SourceGSP] Shannon, Mississippi, United States [Town]; population was 1,419 in 1990; housing units was 587 in 1990; location is 34°7'N 88°42'W; land area is 4.11 square miles (2,628 acres); FIPS code is 66720 [SourceCBP] Shannon, Mississippi, United States Postal Service Zip Code is 38868 [SourcePSZ]
Shannon, Missouri, United States [County] includes Akers, Alley Spring, Bartlett, Beal, Birch Tree [Populated], Cedargrove, Delaware, Eminence [Populated], Flatwood, Ink, Junction Ferry, Low Wassie, Mauser Mill, Midridge, Montier, Munsell, Oakside, Rat, Rector, Round Spring, Shannondale, Teresita, Timber, Venice, West Eminence, Winona [Populated] [SourceGSP] Shannon, Missouri, United States [County]; population was 7,613 in 1990; housing units was 3,312 in 1990; location is 37°10'N 91°24'W; land area is 1,003.90 square miles (642,499 acres); water area is 0.15 square miles (99 acres); FIPS code is 203 [SourceCBP] Shannon, Nevada, United States [Place] is in Eureka County; location is 40°6'1"N 116°12'3"W; elevation is 5,647 feet [SourceGSP]
Shannon, North Carolina, United States [Place] is in Robeson County; location is 34°50'52"N 79°8'14"W; elevation is 201 feet [SourceGSP] Shannon, North Carolina, United States Postal Service Zip Code is 28386 [SourcePSZ]
Shannon, Ohio, United States [Place] is in Muskingum County; location is 40°5'3"N 82°5'19"W [SourceGSP] Shannon, Ohio, United States [Place] is in Sandusky County; location is 41°24'42"N 83°4'44"W [SourceGSP]
Shannon, Oregon, United States [Place] is in Lane County; location is 44°1'50"N 123°35'52"W [SourceGSP]
Shannon, South Dakota, United States [County] includes Batesland [Populated], Denby, Kyle, Manderson, Oglala, Pine Ridge [Populated], Porcupine, Red Shirt, Rockyford, Sharps Corner, Slim Butte, Wounded Knee [SourceGSP] Shannon, South Dakota, United States [County]; population was 9,902 in 1990; housing units was 2,699 in 1990; location is 43°20'N 102°33'W; land area is 2,093.96 square miles (1,340,137 acres); water area is 2.77 square miles (1,770 acres); FIPS code is 113 [SourceCBP]
Shannon, Texas, United States [Place] is in Clay County; location is 33°28'26"N 98°15'31"W [SourceGSP]

County Clare
Shannon, TX
Shannon, IL
Shannon Camp, WY
Shannon Airport
HMS Shannon
Britain's first armoured cruiser
USS Shannon
Fort Shannon
Shannon National Park

•Begin with what you know. This may well include the names of the other families that are joined with yours.
•Do you have any living source of information such as an elderly aunt or cousin?
•Do you have any documents that might provide information (names on pictures in old family album, wills, etc.)?
•The U.S. Census is available through 1940 (has to be 70 years old). There are several free sources to review the census, many are through the USGenealogy project and can most often be found on county sites. A simple way to locate potential sources is a major search engine search for what you are interested in. The Census information varies considerably. The 1880 census gives the birth place of the listed person’s father (may or may not be accurate). The only really poor census is 1810 which was damaged and is incomplete.
•County sites often offer considerable help from census to archival court records to list serve type discussion groups where you can post a question.
•Each state in the United States has some sort of Archive department that can offer considerable information. Deeds can be helpful in that they often will show spouses or a group of inheriting family members who are selling property together. When properties were named that name allows you to follow family connections through the years.
•Collaboration is the name of the game. Whether you connect to another researcher with similar interest because you are related (a bonus) or they have information about a group of people of interest, it can be a quick way to add to your information.
•Paid sites can be very helpful in getting a lot of data bases reviewed at once. It is better to actually have persons of interest to research before you join. Always contact the contributor of the information you find..
•When researching, it is a lot easier to find an unusual name (or not find it) then sort through many persons of the same name. This is true across the board. •Spelling is terrible in the “old days” so examine potential other spellings of any name of interest i.e. look at a ch instead of sh etc. If you are doing research in a library become familiar with Soundex which is a system that was used primarily on the census.
•Remember that lots of genealogical work has already been done if you can only find it. Talk to a research librarian for guidance (things like the records from the DAR for example).
•Ask for help in forums and in contacts with other researchers. Most people are very happy to share what they know.

 Why not Gaelic lessons? Irish belongs to the Celtic family of languages which has two branches. The Gaelic branch includes, Irish, Scottish, and Manx. The other branch consists of Welsh, Breton and Cornish. Although it is perfectly alright to call it Gaelic, narrowing it down to Irish Gaelic or just Irish pinpoints which language. In Ireland they refer to it as Irish.
Sounds: You can pretty much forget your English phonics lessons. Irish often doesn’t sound like it looks. For instance the long “E “sound comes from such combinations as; “ao”, and “aoi”. An example is the Irish word for bald, “maol”, pronounced “mweel”. The “V” sound can come from combinations such as: bh”, “bhf”, “mh”, and “dh”, but not always. Ca bhfuil, (kaw-vwil), or “where is” is one example. You will rarely see an actual “V” in Irish. An “H” generally neutralizes a consonent preceding it. Examples are; “rothar” (roe-her) bicycle, and Michael (Mee-hawl). When an “S” is bordered by an “i” or an “e”, it generally takes on a “sh” sound. If no “i” or “e” it remains an “ess” sound as in a hissing sound a snake makes. Examples are; “siúl” (shoo-uhl) or to walk, and “súil (soo-uhl) or eye. There is no “Z” sound in Irish. “Is” sounds like the hissing “iss”, and “as” sounds like “ass”. When some words are used in certain situations, they become lenited. “Bróg” (brohg) is shoe, “an bhróg” (uhn vrohg) is the shoe. “Carr” (like we pronounce it) is car, while “mo charr” (muh-xhawr) is my car. Sínead fada: The slash above certain vowels is called a síneadh fada (shee-nuh faw-duh). It gives different pronunciation and meaning to words. Sean is not “shawn”, but rather “shan” as in hat. It means old. Seán is the familiar “shawn” meaning John. Eire (air-ruh) means burden, while Éire (ay-ruh) means Ireland. Territorial differences: Different parts of Ireland have different ways of pronouncing some words. The dialects are Ulster, Connaught, and Munster. We have some of these differences also, either “eether” or “eyether”, and the familiar “tomay-to” or “tomaw-to. Munster version of Dia dhuit, or “God be with you” is pronounced “Dee-uh gwit” while in Ulster they would say it “Jee-uh ditch”. “Go hiontach” means wonderful! In Munster it is pronounced “guh hoon-tuhk”, while in Connaught it is “guh heen-tuhk Sentence structure: In Irish the verb comes first such as “tá” (is). Here then is the basic structure: Tá mé(taw may)I am. Tá tú (taw too)You are. (singular) “ sé (taw shay)He, or it is. “ sí (taw shee)She is. Táimid (taw-mid)We are. Tá sibh (taw shiv)You are. (plural) “ siad (taw shee-uhd) They are.
1. An bhfuil sibh/tú réidh?(Are you ready?)
2. Níl fhios agam.(Neel iss aw-guhm)(I don’t (Uhn vwil shiv/tu ray) know)
3. Go hiontach. (Guh hoon-tuhk)(Wonderful)
4. Is cuma liom.(Iss kum-uh luhm)(I don’t care)
5. Ní dóigh liom é. (Nee doh-ig luhm ay)(I doubt it)
6. Go hiomlán.(Guh him-lawn)(Absolutely)
7. Go cinnte. (Guh keent-shuh) (Indeed)
8. Go deimhin.(Guh de-vin)(Certainly)
9. Cad tá é seo? (Kawd taw ay shuh)(What is this?)
10. Cad tá é sin?Kawd taw ay shin)(What is that?)
11. Cé tá é seo?(Kay taw ay shuh)(Who is this?)
12. Cé tá é sin?(Kay taw ay shin)(Who is that?)
13. Abair arís.(Aw-ber uh-reesh) (Say again)
14. Tá brón orm.(Taw brohn ur-uhm)(I’m sorry)
15. Le do thoil.(Le duh hul)(Please)
16. Gabh mo leithscéal.(Excuse me)
17. Fan nóimead.(Fawn noh-mad) (Wait a minute)
18. Ceart go leor.(Kyart guh lohr)(Alright) Dia dhuit. --------Dia is Muire dhuit.(Dee-uh gwit---Dee-uhs Mwir-uh gwit) Conas tá tú? \ Cén chaoi a bhfuil tú? \ ………..Go maith---Go breá, Go raibh maith agat. Cad é mar atá tú? /Go dona. (poorly,bad) (How are you?)Tá mé túirseach. (I am tired) Go hainnis. (Terrible) Tá failte romhat.(You’re welcome)(Taw fawlta roht) Cad is ainm dhuit?(What is your name?)-----------Is mise ____________.(Iss mish-uh) (Kawd iss anim gwit) -----------___________ is ainm dom. Slán leat.(Goodbye if you are staying) (Slawn lat) Slán agat.(Goodbye if you are leaving) (Slawn uh-guht) Slán go foill.(Goodbye for now) (Slawn guh foh-uhl) Feicfidh mé ar ball thú.(I will see you later) (Fek-ee may er bawl hoo) “ go luath thú.(I will see you soon) (Fek-ee may guh loo-uh hoo) “ amárach thú.(I will see you tomorrow) (Fek-ee may uh-maw-ruhk hoo) “ tráthnóna thú.(I will see you this evening/afternoon) (truh-noh-nuh hoo) “ anocht thú.(I will see you tonight) (uh-nawkt hoo)