• 4 members

About us

The goals of the SHUCK/SHOOK YDNA project are several:

1. Determine relatedness all SCHUCKS/SHOOKS who descend from Johannes Schuck, immigrant to Pennsylvania in 1732 by using the science of DNA first the first time with this large American family.

2. This group uses a minimum of 37 DNA markers in order to find the closest match possible between group members; new members are encouraged to test to the maximum of 67 markers if they so desire - please consult administrator about additional testing that is needed to benefit the group and to assist in finding European ancestry.

3. Determine EUROPEAN ORIGINS of U.S. Schuck/Shook family line.

4. Encourage Schuck/Shook family research. Corrections and updating of family histories is always encouraged. This new "cutting edge" DNa testing will help confirm or refute paper genealogies. PAPER RESEARCH IS ONGOING . . . AND NEW DATABASES ARE NOW AVAILABLE THAT WERE NOT SEVERAL YEARS AGO.

5. Finally, we would like to test more European Schucks/Shooks including those in certain regions of Alsace, the Rhineland and, perhaps Heidelberg, Germany for possible matches. While the word "Palatines" was used generically in the ship's lists at Philadelphia, there is family legend and perhaps records indicating that Johannes Schuck came from the Palatinate region of Germany. Confirmation of this would be a noble goal of this DNA group if descendants of Johannes' relatives still in Germany can be located for testing.