
  • 77 members

About us

This Y-DNA surname project is intended to define the one or more origins of the Singletary surname and mend a couple broken branches of the family tree in America.

We will try to solve the mystery of the Singletary immigration story - that Richard was kidnapped as a child, taken to America, and given the surname Singletary. Was Richard heir of Sir George Booth of Dunham-Massey (b1566-d1652 in Cheshire, England)?

It is also hoped that paternal descendants of Dennis Donham (b1751 in Woodbridge, NJ, USA) and Peter B. Alston (b1796 in South Carolina, USA) can be reconnected to the family. Their 37 marker Y-DNA pattern matches Family Tree DNA members that are known descendants of Richard Singletary, identified above.

Members must be male and take the Y-DNA test. They must also
bear the surnames

 - Singletary, Dunham (including various phonetic spellings) or Singleton and/or descend paternally from Francis Singletary of Surfleet or the immigrant Richard Singletary, or
 - Booth and descend paternally from the Booths of Dunham-Massey,

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