
  • 8 members

About us

The SLUMP surname was adopted in Lemsterland, Friesland, The Netherlands in 1812. Prior to this, the family used patronyms. Ancestors were in Overijssel and Drenthe in previous generations. Related men, unbeknownst to their other family members, may have adopted different surnames. Immigrants to the United States adopted different surnames, including Slumpff, Stumpf, and Tavares. Thus, the project will admit men who had Y-DNA matches, even thought their surname may not be SLUMP. 

There are SLUMP from other regions. They will likely have differing genetic markers. We are happy to include them and help understand their origins.

If you have tested at another venue consider transferring your raw DNA data to FTDNA. Here is how from a few compatible vendors:

You download your DNA results from MyHeritage. See this link:

At, click on your name in the upper right, select my profile, the the Settings button and the the DNA link. At the bottom of the displayed page you can download you DNA results.
Then, go to This should lead you through the upload. After that you will have a FTDNA account. You will have to pay $19 to get all the data exposed.
You can then join the Slump project. To do this, go your home page. The menu at the top: Group Projects -> Join Project then search for Slump and join.