Smith Official (All)

Official Smith/Schmidt/Smythe/Smidt DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNA
  • 5440 members

About us

Smiths Official DNA Project  is the official  FamilyTreeDNA project and Smith/Schmidt one name study for ALL Smith Schmidt Smyth Smythe Smidt and other variations, regardless of geographical location, so that all Smiths may compare markers.

JOIN The SMITH OFFICIAL DNA PROJECT - Click here to join  Smith Official DNA Project if you want to be able to compare your Smiths markers with EVERY Smith everywhere regardless of location. 

This is the Smith Official DNA (ALL Locations) Project.

We are the project at FamilyTreeDNA for all Smith, Schmidt et al of ALL locations. Although we are primarily a YDNA surname project, we also welcome all those that have tested mtDNA or Family Finder/Autosomal that have a Smith in their line of descent. In all cases, we ask for the direct Smith lineage to be posted on the Smith DNA project site at FamilyTreeDNA as well as on (Form to send lineage to or you may send a direct line gedcom).

We welcome any Smith, Smyth, Smythe, Schmidt, Smiths, Smitt, Smidt or any other variation of the Smith surname. The project covers all of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Asia and all points in between.Any test-taking participant must always be a MALE who either (1) descends in an unbroken male-to-male line from a Smith-surnamed male ancestor (including variant surnames) or who (2) has reason to believe he descends from such an ancestor. Females don't carry the type of DNA, yDNA, needed for testing in this. However, females are warmly invited to have a male Smith in their line take the test as their representative. Locations included in the United States are ALL states. AL(Alabama), Alaska (AK), American Samoa, AZ (Arizona), AR (Arkansas), CA (California), CO (Colorado), CT (Connecticut), DE (Delaware), DC (District of Columbia), FL (Florida), GA (Georgia), Guam, HI(Hawaii), ID (Idaho), Illinois (IL) IN (Indiana), IA (Iowa), KS (Kansas), KY (Kentucky), LA (Louisiana), ME (Maine), MD (Maryland), MA (Massachusetts), MI (Michigan), MN (Minnesota), MS (Mississippi), MT (Montana), MO (Missouri), NE (Nebraska), NV (Nevada), NH (New Hampshire), NJ (New Jersey), NM (New Mexico), NY (New York), NC (North Carolina), ND (North Dakota), Northern Marianas Islands, OH (Ohio), OK(Oklahoma), OR (Oregon), PA (Pennsylvania), Puerto Rico, RI (Rhode Island), SC (South Carolina), SD (South Dakota), TN (Tennessee), TX (Texas), UT (Utah), VT (Vermont), Other locations include ALL countries in every part of the world.

(There are a few regional Smith surname projects for very specific areas-if your Smith does not have Abbeville, SC connections or connections in specific states in the northeastern part of the United States , you have no need to also join the other regional projects as all members for all Smiths are in the official project, including South Caroline and the northeastern US states. We purposely spent a lot of time merging regional projects several years ago so that there would be one place for all Smiths to compare, FTDNA's policy is not to have competing projects covering the same scope

Therefore, the Smith  Official DNA project is a huge project (over 4250 members with over 359 groups that match) comprised of all Smiths that covers all territory in the world. We have a number of volunteer administrators, if you would like to help, please contact

Checklist for Joining the Project

  • Join the Smith Official DNA Project at FamilyTreeDNa with a DNA kit.

  • On FTDNA, please upload your gedcom, set your Most Distant Ancestors (which will show up on the FTDNA YDNA report and also the map), and consider naming a beneficiary. Please do not put in a link or references to other websites or info on the Most Distant Ancestor field. That field is shared amongst all projects and we wish to be respectful of all the FTDNA projects that are run by volunteer effort;if you have a website you would like to additionally list on the Smith Official DNA project, you are able to add it to the Personal Information field on your profile at FTDNA or let us know and we'll set it in your profile.

  • For, the project website for research and one big tree, please send your lineage. is one big tree with many branches, in which we strive to eliminate duplicates and have accurate information. 

  • If you have questions, please email us and reference your DNA kit to help us find you quickly

We are also on Facebook- Come *Like* Us!

Please check the list of prices here for the most current and any sale prices 


12 markers give very little information except for haplogroup and are not enough to allow for meaningful matching. Especially for the SMITHS project, you should expect that if you start with 12 markers, you will want to upgrade to at least 37 at some point. We match for groups.

Results are stored for 25 years, so additional testing can be ordered at some time in the future.

To join the project, simply click the JOIN button above 

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