Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNAmtDNA, & All  Bundles! Now through Jan 1st.


  • 646 members

About us

Anyone having a problem finding our group's Facebook page at Descendants of Puerto Rico's First Nation (DPRFN) please let me know.  When doing a Facebook search just type in Descendants of Puerto Rico.  My email is  We plan on having membership cards and certificates made out for members once we reach 100 thanks to a donation received of $250.00, so there will be no cost to members.  DPRFN membership is 62 members as of today.  We've reached this number in a very short time.  Remember, family members do not have to have a DNA test to join DPRFN as long as they are Puerto Rican or a Puerto Rican descendant, who can tie into your Native American DNA.  A statement from the family member who has proven to be Native American needs to state the relative is Puerto Rican or a Puerto Rican descendant and how they are related (i.e., natural child, sibling, parent or cousin from the Amerindian line).  Semign cacona guari.

Taino ti,

Richard Morrow Porrata,
Administrator TainoDescendantsofPR
Chairman DPRFN