Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 41 members

About us

Once you decide to become a participant - you will have a couple of options. You can order a test kit by clicking on the "Join" button above, or you can contact the project administrator if you have questions, and he can send you the link when you are ready. It is important to use one of these links to make your life easier. If you order directly from the Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) website without specifying that you are part of the Tarvin Family group, you will not get the Tarvin group discount rate or be placed in the Tarvin group.
When filling in the order form - you can choose one of three tests. The "Y male 37 marker", the "Y male 25 marker" or the "Y male 12 marker" test. Any of these three will be fine but the 12 marker is the least useful. We recommend the 37 marker test.
In a few days you will receive a small package from FTDNA. It will contain two scrapers (like mini toothbrushes), two small vials, instructions, a release form, and return address labels. You just follow the instructions and swab the inside of your cheek with a scraper and place it in the vial. This is done twice to make sure there is a good sample. Please sign and return the release form. It makes it easier to access your results. (If you are concerned with privacy - there are other ways to handle it.) You then place the samples and release form in the envelope and drop it in the mail.
Once FTDNA receives your sample - they will prepare and do the necessary paperwork and forward it on to the University of Arizona lab. You will be given a "personal" page at FTDNA where you can track the progress of your test and view your results later (write this info Login & Password somewhere safe). We will also ask for a brief genealogy so we know which Tarvin line you believe you belong too [if we don't already have it]. This site will be used to report to other Tarvin’s the progress of this study - explanations, results, analysis, and conclusions.
About 4-6 weeks after FTDNA receives your test kit your results will be ready. You and the Group Administrators, will get an email saying your results are ready. If you signed the release form, you may also get an email that your results match someone else in FTDNA's database. It will most likely be another Tarvin. About this time we will enter your results on the results page of the Tarvin Family-DNA website []. There may be some analysis of it at that time.
It would be wise to check back on the Tarvin Family-DNA website periodically. As more results come in - they will be posted and may be of interest to you.

"Contribute to the Surname Project General Fund"

IF you would like to donate to the DNA Project click on the bottom link at left. In scroll bar select T,wait on page to update and scroll down to TARVIN (careful to not select TARIN)