
  • 59 members

About us

NEWS (February 2015): A new web site design includes the ability to post photos and comments, exchange thoughts, pose questions and answers, and otherwise expand your interaction with genealogy and DNA testing. At least for now, all communication is limited to project members. I encourage everyone to participate.

For family researchers of all related spellings: Diewel, Tippal, Tippel, Dippel, Deeple, Dippal,...

Now you can add the power of DNA testing to your own family research. To enable all of us to learn more about this amazing genealogical tool, a Teeple-Tipple Project (including all of the alternate spellings above) is in progress, and you are invited to join.

Notice that Y-DNA testing can only be done by males. If you are a male direct descendant of a Tipple, Teeple, or other similar spelling, we invite you to join us to explore our genetic roots.

Please browse this Family Tree DNA site for information about DNA testing. Join the Teeple-Tipple DNA Project by clicking "Join Request" in the top bar and ordering a Y-DNA test. If you have already  tested with FTDNA, simply click the "Join Project" tab near the top left of your MyFTDNA page and scroll to Teeple-Tipple in the Surnames section.

It is important to recognize that DNA testing is basically a research tool for genealogists. We hope to be able to match your genealogical information and DNA results with the results of others and thereby "prove" (or disprove) that you share a common ancestor. To make this possible, We ask that you provide an abbreviated pedigree showing just your direct Teeple-Tipple line and including names, date and place of birth and death and spouse's name. We will remove the names of any living persons before posting this information here.

If you have any questions, please write to me directly: doriswh@gmail.com.

Useful Links:

Video: Which DNA test to Take

Video: Using Autosomal Results (Ancestry, 23andMe, Family Finder)

Project Administrator's Blog

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