St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


Sorting us out, one marker at a time...
  • 93 members

About us

Our project goals have been evolving. We now know, with some degree of certainty, that Amos Tims of Colonial Virginia was probably the progenitor of the Tims families of SC and beyond. He was not the progenator of the Thames family, as once was speculated.

So our project goal, where the Tims are concerned, is to determine the participants relationships to each other. This is best done by enough participants to determine the Haplotype of Amos Tims of Virginia. For that purpose we need at least ten Tims participants and some luck. So far we have nine Timms/Tims/Timbs participants.

We were very lucky to have been able to determine the Haplotype of Thomas Thames b. ca. 1705/10 very early in the program. We now have his Haplotype as the family modal or standard to compare with the participants Haplotype.

Our other Thames family project goals are to expand the participant base and try to determine the Y -Chromosome transmission, where the mutations have occurred. We are hoping to more clearly define the ancestral lineage of our participants for present and future reference.

The program needs to be advanced to the point that when we have a new participant we can view and interpret his results with confidence. We can then use those results, along with his documented pedigree, to place him correctly on the Y -Chromosome Chart. No one will be placed on the Y -Chromosome Chart until we have the proper pedigree information, as judged by the program coordinators.