Thurman & Variations

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 "How to Find Family Finder Matches within the Thurman & Variations DNA Project" by Deborah Thurman Parks (Nov 2017)

1.Log into your personal FTDNA account.

2.On your Dashboard, scroll down to the "Family Finder" box.

3.In the bottom right corner of the "Family Finder" box you'll find some ORANGE text.

4.Click on "Advanced Matches".

5.At "Choose which tests to compare," click on "Select All"(includes autosomal plus X chromosome matches).

6.At "Show only people I match in all selected tests", you may choose either "yes" or "no".

7.At "Last Name Starts With" this selection is optional.

8.At "Show Matches For" click on the drop down arrow and select "Thurman".

9.Click on "Run Report".

10.Click on the names of the tester(s) you match to see contact information plus Ancestral Surnames.

11.Write down all the names, contact information, and common surnames for the testers that you'd like to learn more about.

12.In the search box, enter the name of your match or the common surname and click. The results will load.

13.Once you have found your project match, click on the little box to the left of their name/image.

14.Scroll back to the top of the page and you may now select "ChromosomeBrowser", "In Common With", or "Not in Common With" to learn more.