Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


TheTOWNSEND SOCIETY OF AMERICA - All Spellings, All Locations, All Townsends
  • 582 members

About us

The TOWNSEND DNA Project is a resource of the TOWNSEND SOCIETY OF AMERICA. The 60 year-old society has for over 15 years included yDNA testing with traditional research to identify various TOWNSEND family groups around the world with a particular focus on migrations to the new world and connections back to England. Participation in YDNA testing is open to all males with the TOWNSEND, TOWNSHEND surname (or variations of it). Maternal line or mtDNA testing and the very popular Family Finder or atDNA (cousin) tests are also available. As of late 2021, over 533 members have done a variety of tests. More complete information on DNA testing, Townsend family groups, and the many services of the Townsend Society may be viewed at Contact