
TROUT-DNA Research Project -- Craig H. Trout, founder/administrator
  • 294 members

About us

TROUT-DNA Research Project is designed to directly assist TROUT family researchers in correctly identifying and extending their TROUT (all spellings) ancestral line, in many cases, all the way back to their county of origin.

International Members: Members of TROUT-variant lines in England, Canada, Germany, Russia, Australia, Colombia and -all- other countries around the world are also warmly invited to use our DNA project to connect or sort through their various TROUT family lines as well.

Who Can Join: While you –must-- be a TROUT-variant surname male to achieve useful Y-chromosome DNA test results, female researchers are also invited to participate by having their TROUT-variant surname fathers, brothers, uncles, or TROUT-surname male cousins test in their behalf.

You or your male TROUT family representative must participate in DNA testing to fully join this research project.

Tell us about your research: When filling out the "Trout Project Join Request" form below, please identify your family line, noting your earliest confirmed TROUT-variant-surname male ancestor, dates (estimates are fine), locations, and similar data. Briefly state your research goals. Also, if you are simply wishing to transfer in (import) your existing or 23andMe results into our project, please indicate this and you will be contacted with specific procedures to follow.

What Test Should You Take? We recommend the Y-DNA test at the 37-markers level ("Y-DNA37") in order to achieve optimal results. If you need assistance in selecting the correct test for your needs, use the "Contract Project Administrator" link above.

Important Note: By applying to join the TROUT-DNA Research Project, you are consenting to having your DNA test results compared with other DNA submissions for "genealogical research purposes" only. Each applicant is encouraged to read the FamilyTreeDNA FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and related official FamilyTreeDNA reference materials, and only then develop your own personal research goals and expectations accordingly (see FAQ on tool bar at top of this page).

Individual family research accomplishments will vary.