About us
This Project is open to ALL those persons throughout the World of known Ashkenazi, Hebrew, Greek, or other descent whose father's, father's, father's Y-DNA, or mother's, mother's, mother's mtDNA lineages extend to those geographical areas North of the Black Sea in the Ukraine that were once designated as SCYTHIA.
Participants are encouraged to have undertaken more detailed Y-DNA37, Y-DNA67, Y-HAPLOGROUP, Deep Clade, Low-Resolution HVR1, High Resolution HVR2 and mtDNA Full Sequence Tests.
The Goals of the UkraineBlackSea Geographical Project are to:
Look for, and identify any patterns or similarities between Haplogroups and sub-Clades in an endeavour to find and confirm any distant relatedness between Participants.
Verify the relatedness and migratory paths of families, and where possible to identify their Patriarch/Matriarch [Common - or Alpha - Male/Female] from whom all Participants herald from.