
  • 1354 members


Welcome to the DNA Project!  Thanks for joining us!

You have made a substantial investment in your DNA test.  No matter what test you purchased, it will help you make cousin-connections if you enter several details to your FTDNA account page.  Please enter the following details:
  • ~Click the myFamilyTree button on your home Welcome page and enter the details of your family tree.  Do this by uploading a gedcom (click the little gear icon in the bottom right corner) or by entering your ancestors manually.  Keep it updated with new information. This is especially important for FamilyFinder tests. 
  • ~Manage your FTDNA Account Settings. Go to your home Welcome page, click Manage Personal Information orange color link and then, please do the following:
  • ~On the Personal Profile tab, click the Edit Contact Information and make sure there are at least two email addresses.
  • ~Go back to the Personal Profile page and click Edit Surnames.  Add all the surnames you know in your family tree. This is especially important for FamilyFinder tests.
  • ~Go back to the Personal Profile page and click Edit Most Distant Ancestors, yDNA will be a forefather on the test participant's paternal line (father to father to father) and mtDNA will be a foremother on the test participant's maternal line (mother to mother to mother). Click the Add Location button to put these two ancestors on the map.
  • ~Next, please click the Beneficiary Information tab.  Here, please list the name of someone to give your test results to in the event that you can no longer manage your FTDNA account page.  If you have no emergency contact, please enter the administrator for your favorite FTDNA project, such as Administrator for WikiTree DNA Project
  • ~Finally, on the Privacy and Sharing tab, please set the privacy so your matches can view your information. 
I am the administrator for the project and I handle the website side of operations.  My co-administrator is Peter Roberts.  Peter is my DNA expert.

You can compare your DNA tests with other members of here:

You can learn more on our WikiTree DNA Project pages and of course, we hope you will join if you haven't already!

You can enter your Most Distant Ancestors information in whatever way you wish, keeping in mind that this information shows on all the projects that you join. As an example, for my test participant's Most Distant Ancestors, I entered:  Direct Paternal Name is entered as "
Samuel Cooper-394 bc 1670 dc 1720 York VA m Elizabeth Isles" which includes the WikiTree ID # Cooper-394.
And his Direct Maternal Name is entered as "
Susanna (Miller-14488) Clemmer bc 1750 d 1806 PA m Unknown Clemmer" which includes the WikiTree ID # Miller-14488.

Thank you again for joining us and I wish you successful matching and cousin connections!  

Cooper-1 Smith