Save on Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, and Bundles during our Early Bird Sale! Now through November 24th.


  • 18 members

About us

This is a non-commercial venture and purely voluntary. Depending upon the extent of participation, Willour/Wheelor researchers everywhere will benefit from the addition of 21st century methodology to traditional genealogical research.

What is involved? To fully participate in the study, a pedigree and a DNA sample (a simple swab of the cheek) are required from a male with the surname Willour, etc. So Ladies, please encourage your father, brother or male cousin to participate. There is no need to test more than one brother or first cousin. We want to compare different lines.

There is a cost for the actual DNA testing, but it is the lowest available because you will be participating in a project. And there are no additional costs.

With or without full participation, we ask that you submit a pedigree starting with your earliest Willour, etc., ancestor down to your last non-living ancestor in the paternal line. This pedigree should show birth dates and places and spouses' names, or as much as is known.

Won’t you join us and put some of those nagging questions to rest at last?