Wishart DNA Project

  • 71 members

About us

The Wishart Surname DNA Project was established in October 2010, to create a database of male Wishart DNA lineages to aid genealogical research.

DNA analysis can assist in supporting or refuting the premise that two or more participants descend from a common ancestor.
The aims of the project are:
- to establish the origins of the Wishart surname.
- to determine possible relationships between the known Wishart lines in the British Isles.
- to discover how or if these lines are connected to Wisharts in Australia, Canada, United States of America and other regions of the world.
- to enable Wisharts not sure of their lineage determine which group they might fit into.
- to help individuals connect beyond the paper trail with their Y-DNA cousins.

Useful genealogy links:
The Scottish Association of Family History Societies: http://www.safhs.org.uk/index.asp
International Society of Genetic Genealogy: http://www.isogg.org/