I1 yDNA Haplogroup

I-M253 and all subclades
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About us

CraigSinclair, admin on FTDNAU152 and subclades, Orkney and FTDNA Shetland projects, recently brought alarge UK Y-chromosome mapping initiative to our attention. Craigis freelance communications manager for the University of Edinburgh’sViking Genes study. He also works for the Traveller Genes and Coronagenesstudies and is attached to the Usher Institute, and Jim Wilson Research Group(Edinburgh University’s Institute of Genetics and Cancer - MRC Human GeneticsUnit). 

The paper is:

Limited Effect of Y Chromosome Variation on Coronary ArteryDisease and Mortality in UK Biobank—Brief Report by Paul R. H. J. Timmers andJames F. Wilson. This paper is the largest ever mapping of the Y haplogroupsacross the UK.


New SNP's from the 1000 Genomes Project and FTDNA's Walk Through the Y (WTY)       Updated 31 October 2011

New I1 Z-series SNP's from the 1000 Genomes Project:

from genealogy-dna@rootsweb.com emails by Kenneth Nordtvedt on 26 Oct 2011:

These 12 new snps for I1xL22 come from 1000 Genomes project, and now are in the FTDNA catalog for ordering.  1000Genomes indicate
all branches have 2 or more dna samples derived; thus reducing chances we will run into “private-like” snps --- thanks for that. These snps
seem to really divide the I1xL22 population. There are three parallel entry snps --- Z131, Z63, and Z58: Z131 leads to 3 dna samples, as
does Z63, while Z58 leads to 9 dna samples. The rest of the new snps are downstream of Z58 and divide those 9 dna samples into several
separate haplogroups.

And also we are here talking about only 15 I1xL22 dna samples, so we must expect some I1xL22 to escape being Z131+ or Z63+ or
Z58+ (hence remaining I1*), but I don’t expect that population to be huge.

If one turns out Z58+ then, further downstream snps will probably be needed for you.

If one is Z63+ or Z131+ then presently you will be at the end of the line with regard to these new snps and have found your new haplogroup.
Here are some of the further downstream alternatives that I1xL22 can become according to 1000 Genomes tree:

Z58 –> Z138/139 (they show two dna samples so mutated.)
Z58 –> Z59 (they show two dna samples ....)
Z58 –> Z59 –> Z60/61 –> Z73 (they show two dna samples ....)
Z58 –> Z59 –> Z60/61 –> Z62 (they show one dna sample ....)

Z58 –> Z59 –> Z60/61 –> Z62 –> Z140/141 (they show 2 dna samples .....)
/ indicate phyloequiv snps in face of just these 15 dna samples (but not necessarily remaining so after we exhaustively test further).

We don’t yet know how present L338+ haplogroup fits into this? They indicated some time ago none of their 15 dna samples seemed to be
L338+, but I don’t know how firm that is?

In the huge message about a dozen new SNPs in I1xL22, I did not mention the new SNP Z718 in L22+

This SNP is not part of the Bothnian sector of L22+. So basic I1d L22+ folks might want to try Z718 to see if it carves out a new part of L22+
I don’t yet know how Z718 relates to P109?

 (Z718 was changed from L718 above (typo))

New I1 SNP's found during the FTDNA Walk Through the Y (WTY) testing:

 L338 (I1f)  found positive in the  I1-AS1 & AS8 subclades

 L205(I1d2) so far found in results from Netherlands, England, &Scotland
 L287 (I1d3) & L258 (I1d3a) the Finnish former I1d-Bothnia subclade.
 L296 found in two I1d3a so far
 L300 (I1d4)  So far, three results from Finland, one from Eastern Sweden

 L813 & L137 were recently found in an I1d-uN2 from Denmark. We don't know yet if L813 will turn out to be useful or not, but it is available to order.  L137 is part of 23andMe's coverage. Most I1-L22 appear to be negative for it.

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