L - Y Haplogroup L

  • 1272 members

About us

This project welcomes anyone who has been predicted or SNP-tested as Y-Haplogroup L.

Haplogroup L is found in South Asia, Western Asia and Europe and is defined by SNPs M11, M20, M61 and M185.

Until 2011 it was considered to comprise 3 main groups - L1, L2 and L3. In 2011 a rare ancient split in this Haplogroup was identified and the main subgroups became L1 defined by M22 and M295 and L2 defined by a new SNP L595. The former L1, L2 and L3 became L1a, L1b and L1c.
In 2015 SNPs linking L1a and L1c were identified and these two branches are now united under L1a as L1a1 and L1a2.

L1a1 (originally L1) occurs mainly in Western India and Southern Pakistan.
L1a2 (originally L3) occurs mainly in northern regions of Pakistan and India but is also found as far west as the Chechen Republic.
L1b (originally L2) occurs in Western Asia and Europe.
L2 (formerly L*) has to date been observed in a small number of Project members whose ancestry is from all over Europe. It may trace its origins back to the Middle East or the Caucasus.

For more information please see Marco Cagetti's web page
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