Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.

Yarbrough Y-DNA

A Y-DNA - focused project, but Family Finder-tested people may join
  • 181 members

About us

NEWS as it concerns our Y-DNAFacebook, TheYarbrough Genealogical & Historical Association, Inc. initiatives:

March 2017
- We retooled the Site Configuration, Background, Goals, New, and Results pageson our FTDNA pages.

- We added Chad Jones as a Y-DNA Co-Admin
(1) We currently have over 151 members in our Y-DNA group.
(2) We currently have 514 members in our FB group.

(3) We currently have ___ members in our Yarbrough Association
- Notice:
People who have tested with Ancestry, GeneTree or Sorensen's SMGF are allowedto join FamilyTreeDNA for a small nominal fee. Their DNA results can beuploaded. For another small fee, other alleles will be tested to give the newmembers full access to the Group. The $19 will provide a Personal Page but theywill not have full benefits as members do. Please spread the news.
- We will be sending out emails to all Y-DNA members who don't have a Y-37 STRtests as a minimum. We ideally need at least that test to establish theirfamily grouping.

- We have been running strong collaboration programs within our FB grouphelping people know about holiday coupons and other promotions.


Sept. 2010

-Clark J. Hickman created our Facebook group