
Q-L712, Q-L715, Q-L713, Q-YP789, Q-BZ351, Q-BZ361, Q-PRX42, Q-BZ1000, Q-YP4385
  • 87 members

About us

Administrators: Adam Ćwiklak, dr Vladimir Gurianov, Karl Oscar Högström, Vladimir Volkov, Mehmet Ali Yilmaz

Characteristics of haplogroup Q-L712 and its subclades

Basic information about the "Q-L712 Focus Group" Project


Project Q-L712 Focus Group exists to explore the genetic genealogy, geography and history of the Q-L712 Y-DNA branch and its subclades

The haplogroup Q-L712 Y-DNA is extremely rare and its frequency in the FTDNA data base is about 0.05%.

According to Y-FULL research, this haplogroup was formed about 16,000 years ago and its subclades were formed in the following time:

 Subclade    Time ybp

Subclade    Time ybp

  • Q-L715           10,7
  • Q-BZ640        4,9
  • Q-YP844        4,9
  • Q-L713           3,8
  • Q-YP789        3,8
  • Q-BZ1000     1,95
  • Q-BZ351       1,95
  • Q-BZ361        750
  • Q-BZ1026     700

The haplogroup Q-L712 Y-DNA (Q1a1b1) is a subclade of the haplogroup Q-M25 Y-DNA (Q1a1b) which belongs to the Q-M242 Y-DNA haplogroup.

Our project is aimed at the study of Q-L712 Y-DNA and its subclades and is a subset of the larger Q-M242 Project.

All men having positive single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Q-L712 are encouraged to take part in the Q-L712 Focus Group.

Many factors indicate primary Hunnic or Hunnic-Sarmatian origin of this haplogroup and its subclades.

Project Groups


Based on genetic genealogy and the historical and ethnographic data, the project participants are grouped into the following subgroups:

      Nr   Project group              SNP                    SNP                   SNP                  SNP                   SNP                  SNP                     SNP

  1. Balkaria/Digora Group            Q-L712+                 Q-L715+                 Q-BZ641+              Q-BZ640+      
  2. Eurasian Group I                   Q-L712+                 Q-L715+                 Q-L713+
  3. Eurasian Group II                  Q-L712+                 Q-L715+                 Q-L713+                 Q-YP789+              Q-BZ1000+
  4. Szekelys (Szekler) Group      Q-L712+                 Q-L715+                 Q-L713+                 Q-YP789+
  5. Polish Group                        Q-L712+                 Q-L715+                 Q-L713+                 Q-YP789+              Q-BZ351+               Q-BZ361+            
  6. Middle Eastern Group I          Q-L712+                 Q-F4531+               Q-YP4400+
  7. Middle Eastern Group II         Q-L712+                 Q-F4747+               Q-F5005+               Q-BZ992+              Q-BZ1010+             Q-BZ1026+
  8. Middle Eastern Group III        Q-L712+                 Q-F4531+               Q-YP4400+            Q-F4705+               Q-F4741+               Q-Y50173+                Q-BY143900+


Description of the project groups:

Balkaria / Digora Group

It brings together men from the North Caucasus region belonging to the Q-L712 cluster. The majority of them derive their genealogical roots from the historical Balkarian/Digorian aristocracy associated with the dynasty of Badeliats and Basiats. According to the family legends, the ancestors of both dynasties, two real brothers (Badel and Basiat), arrived sometime in the Caucasus as foreigners and thanks to their unique attributes, abilities and skills, inter alia knowledge of firearms, were able to subdue the native Digorian people and take authority over them. At the time of Badel and Basiat arrival the indigenous people did not know firearms and gunpowder and fought with bows. In accordance with Digorian tradition, the brothers had come from Hungary or from a town called Majar located in state of the Golden Horde (some versions of the old family legend say about Hungarian and even Hunnic origin). Historians have been involved in an ongoing debate concerning Majar or Hungarian origin of Badeliats and Basiats relating to the aural similarity of the terms "Majar"and "Magyar".

According to the latest state of research, the above referred events took place in the late15th or early 16th century.

The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of the Balkaria/Digora Group lived ca. 500 years ago. This time is consistent with the results of archaeological research related to the beginning of the Badeliats and Basiats dynasty in Digoria.

Compiled on the basis of:

В. А. Кузнецов, Археологические данные о происхождении дигорских Баделят. Edited by: Б. Х. Бгажноков, В. А. Фоменко, Археологияиэтнология Северного Кавказа. Нальчик 2012.

Eurasian group


Members of this subgroup, conventionally called “Eurasian”, derived their ancestors from different regions of European and Asiatic continents (Ireland, Poland, Russia,Uzbekistan).

The project participants are not ethnically related with the Balkaria/Digora and Székely (Szekler) subcluster. However most of these men are similar to Székely Y-DNA profile.

Székely (Szekler) group


The next subgroup consists of men from Székely community who belong to the Q-L712 haplogroup and its subclades. The research of Székely genetic genealogy deals with FTDNA Hungarian Bukovina project. Székelys is a Hungarian-speaking ethnic group, living in eastern part of Transylvania and demonstrating unique cultural characteristics, distinguishing it from other European nations. So far the origin of Székelys has remained unknown. Characteristic for Székely people are inter alia specific type of runes, called Old Hungarian Alphabet (Székelyrovásírás) used before the year 1000 AD, unique pillar tombs called Kopjafa and characteristic Székely gates. The origin of the Székely people and their uniqueness remain a mystery even though several hypotheses have been put forward on the subject. The Székelys in their ancient legends claim that they are descendants of the Huns who, after the defeat of the mighty Hunnic king Attila, remained in Europe, changed the name from Huns to Székely and found asecluded place to hide from retribution from the previously conquered nations.Their forefathers descend in a straight line from the mythological prince Csaba, who would have been the son of Attila the Hun.The old Hunnic motifs and themes are still present in the Székely folklore.This fact is especially intriguing in the context of genetic genealogy because more and more evidence leads to the hypothesis of Hunnic origin, or very close relation to the Hunnic origin of the haplogroup Q-M25 and its subclades. Michael Maglio writes: “If I had to pose a theory, I would say that Attila is Q1a2 [Q-M25], part of the royal class of Huns living in Hungary. (...) The combined evidence of DNA, geography and history leads to the conclusion that at the end of the Hunnic Empire, the core East Asian Huns assimilated into the eastern European cultures. They left behind a strong genetic footprint in the same territory that they historically inhabited. The next time I’m asked, What about the Huns?  I can point to Europe and say, They’re still there” (full article by M. Maglio).

Due to the aforementioned facts the Székely legends about the Hunnic origin, questioned by some researchers, may invite a slightly different reading.

The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of the Székely (Szekler) subcluster lived most likely about 1700 years ago. For various reasons, this time can be combined with the Hunnic invasion of Europe about 370 AD. High level of differentiation within the Székely (Szekler) subcluster, distant time to the most recent common ancestor and a relatively large concentration of haplogroup within one ethnic group may suggest a kind of center of this rare ancient and mysterious haplogroup in Europe.

Polish group


The Polish group includes participants with the Q-YP789, Q-BZ1000 and Q-BZ351 polymorphisms. They seem to come from the common ancestor of the Székely group. The common ancestor of the Polish and Székely groups lived about 1700 years ago.  See also: Niezgoda Y-DNA Project

The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of the Polish subcluster lived most likely about 1050 years ago.

Middle Eastern group

The Middle East group includes participants from Iran and Turkey. They represent the Q-YP4416 and Q-F5005 polymorphisms and their subclades.


Ancient Y-DNA samples have matches with living people!

Genetic genealogy of the Q-L712 Y-DNA haplogroup can be supplemented by archeological research and archaic DNA tests. In the ancient burial grounds in Asia and Europe the archaeologists have discovered human remains, from which you can obtain genetic material (aDNA). Some samples belong to the haplogroup Q-L712 Y-DNA and to its subclades such as: Q-L715, Q-L713, Q-YP789 (all these have been for first time discovered in the genetic profile of the kit 180029 - member of our Q-L712 Focus Group), and also Q-BZ1000 and Q-PRX42 (first discovered in the archaic genes of the Pannonian Avars) and have matches with living people who are the Q-L712 Focus Group Project members.


Summary listing of archaeological DNA samples within haplogroup Q-L712


Sources for the research presented below can be found at the end under "links to the source material".


          Sample                   Archeological site                                                            YBP, ca.            Culture                   Estim. Y-hg      Remarks

  • RISE683                  Okunevo, EMBA, Russia                                                      4870-3920          Yamnaya                 Q-FT414149
  • I8506                       Kokcha 3, Uzbekistan, steppe, Grave N77                                   3614                                           Q-F4705*
  • RISE493                  Sabinka 2, Russia                                                                3551-3288          Karasuk                   Q-FT414149
  • I12134                     Swat Valley, Loebanr, Pakistan                                                     2850                                           Q-F4705*                see *1
  • X3                           Shirenzigou, China                                                                         2250         Shirenzigou            Q-F4741
  • I7022                       Uvs aimag cemetery, grave #11, Burial 7, Mongolia                      2244                                           Q-FT414149
  • RISE600                  Verh-Uimon, Russia                                                                       2450          Huns                        Q-YP844
  • RISE601                  Verh-Uimon, Russia                                                                       2450          Huns                        Q-YP844
  • DA105                     Uch-Kurbu,  Kyrgyzstan, Tian Shan                                       1833±32          Huns                        Q-L715
  • DA54                       Keden, Kyrgyzstan, Tian Shan                                               1693±31          Huns                        Q-L715
  • DA74                       Baskiya 2, Kyrgyzstan, Tian Shan                                          1624±46          Huns                        Q-YP1681*              see 2*
  • BRE004                   Berel 2017_69, Kazakhstan                                                          1633          Huns                        Q-YP789                  see 3*
  • BRE011                   Berel 2018_90, Kazakhstan                                                          1620          Huns                         Q-YP789                 see 4*
  • DA86                       Boz-Adyr, kurgan 16, Kyrgyzstan, Tian Shan                        1582±42          Turk                           Q-L715                    see 5*
  • MM-61                     Makó-Mikócsa-Halom, Hungary, Grave Nr 61                      1402-1442          Early Avars              Q-YP832                  see 6*
  • MM-80                     Makó-Mikócsa-Halom, Hungary, Grave Nr 80                      1392-1422          Early Avars              Q-L715                     see 7*
  • ARK-29                   Árkus Homokbánya, Hungary, Grave Nr 29                         1322-1223          Late Avars              Q-L715                     see 8*
  • ARK-36                   Árkus Homokbánya, Hungary, Grave Nr 36                         1322-1223          Late Avars              Q-L713                     see 9*
  • ARK-19                   Árkus Homokbánya, Hungary, Grave Nr 19                         1322-1123          Late Avars              Q-L713                      see 10*
  • ARK-24                   Árkus Homokbánya, Hungary, Grave Nr 24                         1322-1123          Late Avars              Q-PRX42                   see 11*
  • ARK-17                   Árkus Homokbánya, Hungary, Grave Nr 17                         1322-1123          Late Avars              Q-L713                      see 12*
  • ARK-6                     Árkus Homokbánya, Hungary, Grave Nr 6                           1322-1223          Late Avars              Q-PRX42                   see 13*
  • ARK-50                   Árkus Homokbánya, Hungary, Grave Nr 50                         1222-1192          Late Avars              Q-BZ1000                  see 14*
  • SEEurope9              Central Bulgaria                                                                             1100          Late Avars               Q-L712
  • PER10                     Pericei (Szilágyperecsen) Romania                                                470          Bathory family         Q-YP821                    see 15*


  1. *The skeletal remains are from secondary deposition of possibly manipulated burials;
  2. *Child, buried together with another individual;
  3. *Warrior, buried together with horse in kurgan;
  4. *Burial of an over 55 years old man in a stone box with a north western orientation;
  5. *Warrior, buried together with horse;
  6. *The niche grave contained the skeletal remains of a middle-adult male with Europeid characteristics. The grave goods were a belt and shoes decorated with metal mounts, a sword decorated with silver plates, a bow, a quiver with arrowheads and some lamella of an armor. Besides the right leg of the dead, tools for wood, bone/horn and metal processing (e.g., saw, rasp) and uniquely, in a crucible made of iron plate semi-finished bone bow-applications were found. The grave can be dated to 580–620 CE.
  7. *The skeletal remains of a young adult male with Mongoloid skull characteristics were recovered from the niche grave. The skeleton of a horse with rosette-shaped silver harness ornaments, and partial skeletons of a cattle, a calf, and a sheep were found in the pit. The grave goods were a belt with silver ornaments of North Italian origin and weapons, i.e., a sword and a bow. The burial was dated to 600–630 CE.
  8. *The partially destroyed skeleton of a juvenile with male features was found in the grave. The high-prestige individual was buried in a coffin with a horse and a belt with gilded cast brass ornaments. The burial was dated to the second half of the late Avar period (i.e., between 760-810 CE). In addition, radiocarbon analysis dated the skeletal remains to a longer, partially overlapping interval (680-780 CE with 66% of probability).
  9. *The skeleton of a young adult male was found in the destroyed grave, in a wooden chamber. The burial contained the skeleton of a horse but did not contain any known, datable grave goods. The grave was dated to the Avar period based on radiocarbon data (660–770 CE with 66% of probability).
  10. *The grave contained the skeleton of a juvenile with male characteristics and without any grave finds;
  11. *The skeleton of a young adult male was found in the grave. The disturbed bones were in a layer mixed with burnt charcoal and ash. The high-prestige deceased was buried in a coffin with a horse, a belt with gilded cast brass ornaments and a saber. The burial was dated to the last phase of the late Avar period (supposed absolute date: 770-800 CE). Besides, radiocarbon analysis resulted in a longer, partially overlapping interval concerning the probable dating of the skeleton (680-780 CE with 66% of probability);
  12. *It was the disturbed grave of a sub-adult individual. The burial did not contain any known grave goods;
  13. *It was the disturbed grave of a sub-adult individual. The burial did not contain any known grave goods;
  14. *The strongly disturbed grave contained the skeleton of an adult male and a horse. A bone bow plate and a belt mount were found in a secondary position. The assemblage was dated to the late 9th and first half of the 10th century CE.
  15. *Aristocratic family burial church site in Pericei - see the links to the source material.

 The above mentioned arguments lead to the conclusion about the possible Hunnic origin of men belonging to Q-L712 Y-DNA and its subclades and also about close links between the project participant's ancestors and the ancient Hunnic or Hunnic-Sarmatian culture.

Text author: Adam Ćwiklak ©


Links to the source material:



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