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I-M223 Y-DNA Haplogroup

ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup I2a1b1 (was I2a2a & earlier I2b1)
  • 6029 members

About us

This is a Y-DNA Project for men who are predicted or tested derived (+) for the SNP, M223. Women are welcome.

*** Note that the results page has a "Page Size" feature.  Change the default from 500 to 6000 to see all results!  ***

*** Please make sure to test your Terminal SNP by following the header tag of your specific subgroup in our Project Results page***

If you're new to the project, please make sure you've done the following to help things along...

As a new member, your Project Preferences are set at the default setting of "Group Only Access". This means you will appear on the Chart but Administrators will not be able to view your Kit for contact you, viewing orders or results and viewing matches. This makes our role in assisting you should you have a question as well as placing you in a group, more difficult. You can reset your Project Preferences for the I-M223 administrators as either "Full Access" or Limited Access" which will enable administrators to view your Kit and assist you when necessary. Current members should at least set administrators with "Limited Access" to enable us to assist you.

- If you tested with Geno 2.0, please make sure you "Transfer Your Data to FTDNA". If you have a problem with the transfer, please contact an administrator for advice. If you have previously tested with Geno 2.0 or 23andMe that assign a Y-DNA Haplogroup or you have transferred your Autosomal DNA from another company to Family Finder, please order at least the Y37 test which will give you 37 STR markers, Y-DNA matches and allow us to place you into one of our subgroups. You can upgrade to Y67 or Y111 or test Big Y-700. If ordering Big Y-700, you will not need to order any other Y-DNA tests as this test gives results for up to 700 STR markers and your SNP branches as well as looks for new SNPs specific to your immediate paternal (surname) branching. If you had tested the old Big Y or Big Y-500 you should upgrade to Big Y-700 as it covers more regions of the Y-chromosome than the earlier versions.

- Please make sure you set your Most Distant Known Ancestor Paternal Side option on the User Preferences page and include his name, dates and location or at least a Surname. This will be displayed in the results table. You should also set a Country of Origin. If you have trouble doing either of these things, please let me know, and I can help. 

- Please keep your contact details especially your email address up to date and list a beneficiary.

Please feel free to contact the project administrators if you're interested in having additional testing done to aid with research and/or learn more about your deep roots. We can help guide you as to what would be most helpful and most cost effective. The Project may wish to test your sample for specific SNPs and will endeavour to contact you for permission so keep your email up to date. Before ordering SNPs off the Haplotree, please check with Project administrators. See our Project Results section for our SNP Y-tree.

The I-M223 Walk Through the Y (WTY) Project began in April of 2009 and concluded in November 2013 with the introduction of the Big Y then in 2018, Big Y-500 and now Big Y-700 test. Also make sure to follow our the I-M223 Project's Activity Feed page for news, results, comments and discussions.

Please view and use the Activity Feed Page for news, discussion and questions. Also see the Project News and Project Results sections for the status of the I-M223 Y-DNA Haplogroup Project. We also welcome your donations to the Project Fund so we can carry out SNP research and assist those less able to order new tests.

Our Project Goals can be found here.

Project Administrator:
Wayne R. Roberts

Please also consider joining:
I-M223 Y-Haplogroup Project Discussion at Yahoo! Groups

I-M223 Facebook Group

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