
  • 530 members

About us

In 2001 six SPENCER men provided the first DNA samples for the SPENCER DNA Project. Since that time, dozens of matches have occurred proving the long-held belief that several of these men descend from a common ancestor. For some Spencer lines, this validated research which was supported by solid documentation. For other lines, it provided the much needed scientific proof of a common ancestor which cannot otherwise be proven due to the lack of extant paper records.
If you descend from any SPENCER line listed in the RESULTS section, or think you might or wish you did, participating in this DNA project could help your research considerably and provide some much needed proof and direction for further research. The tests are done on the Y-chromosome which is passed from father to son, and he to his son, etc., thus participants must be male and must have the SPENCER surname all the way down the line. If you are a female and wish to have your line participate in the Project, a male cousin, uncle, brother, etc., can provide the DNA swab for your line.
If you are interested in joining our DNA study, please contact the Spencer DNA Project Manager (fspencer15@comcast.net) for additional information. We have obtained a special group rate which is a lot less expensive than a research trip! No vital body parts are required - just a simple swab of the inside of the cheek and there is no discomfort at all. Results are available in about 60 days.

To join the Spencer DNA Project, participants must provide their Spencer lineage including all known dates and locations for births, deaths, and marriages including spouse information, back to their earliest known Spencer ancestor, and must test at least 37-markers.

Questions can be addressed to: Floyd Spencer
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