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. . . everyone gets the drumstick here.
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The Beardsley surname is divided among three terminal SNPs as of 3-1-2025.
  1. I-A4640 : The first individual to adopt the Beardsley surname belonged to this haplogroup.
  2. I-L1483 : A child of SNP A4640, the majority of the Beardsley surname are expected to belong to this haplogroup, particularly the European branches of the family.
  3. I-FT162653 : A child of SNP L1483, this SNP divides the descendant lineages of William Beardsley.
  4. Descendants of William's son Joseph are expected to belong to FT162653.
  5. Descendants of William's other sons, particularly those of son Samuel, are expected to be L1483+ and FT162653-.

Some members, including admin John Beardsley (me), may have a mutation event in their STR results called a recLOH - "Recombinational Loss of Heterozygosity", or maybe this is a P1/P2 substitution event.

Beardsley/lee DNA tree created by Wim Pennix from the I1-Z140 Project Facebook Group