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The Beardsley surname is divided among three terminal SNPs as of 3-1-2025.
- I-A4640 : The first individual to adopt the Beardsley surname belonged to this haplogroup.
- I-L1483 : A child of SNP A4640, the majority of the Beardsley surname are expected to belong to this haplogroup, particularly the European branches of the family.
- I-FT162653 : A child of SNP L1483, this SNP divides the descendant lineages of William Beardsley.
- Descendants of William's son Joseph are expected to belong to FT162653.
- Descendants of William's other sons, particularly those of son Samuel, are expected to be L1483+ and FT162653-.
https://www.yfull.com/share/yreport/f3a5e28d35a82de1fce2574e75d98c72/ : Admin's YFull report
Some members, including admin John Beardsley (me), may have a mutation event in their STR results called a recLOH - "Recombinational Loss of Heterozygosity", or maybe this is a P1/P2 substitution event.

Beardsley/lee DNA tree created by Wim Pennix from the I1-Z140 Project Facebook Group