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About us

*VERY IMPORTANTThis is a Y-DNA project, so it is for MALES only. This is because the Y-DNA is passed down only from father to son. Therefore, you need to be a male and have a male paternal BENNETT line in order to join the project. So, if you are a female, you will need to find a male BENNETT relative in order to participate. However, ladies, you are always welcome to email me with details about your particular Bennett line. That way if anybody in the project is related (now or in the future), I can let you both know, so that you can compare notes, etc. 

If you are a male nonBENNETT you may be eligible to join the project if your yDNA matches at least 2 other male Bennetts already in the project at the 37 marker level or higher.

**IMPORTANT** You may be eligible for a free kit if you are a male BENNETT with ancestors from early Monmouth Co., NJ.  If so, then please send the group administrator detailed information about your BENNETT line to see if you qualify. Thanks.
Note - I am looking for specific lines, so even if you have an early ancestor, you may not be eligible for the free kit.

*** GREAT NEWS *** As of June 16, 2009, the Y-DNA Results page has been totally redone. The results are now color coded and I have arranged them by haplogroup. So, now it is much easier to see and compare the Y-DNA results. Many of the larger haplogroups have been broken down into smaller subgroups.

This project was originally started in July 2005, with an interest in the Bennett families from Orange Co., NY - especially Jeremiah Bennett (1760-1811) and also Thaddeus Bennett, both Revolutionary War soldiers.

There was a group administrator change on September 18, 2007.

My interest is primarily in the Bennett families from Monmouth Co., NJ plus New York City and the surrounding areas. It is known that several early Monmouth County Bennett families had also lived in the New York City area. My line is Benjamin Bennett (c1787-1871) and his wife Mary. Both were born in NJ, but they lived in Manhattan from c1812-1835, where all their children were born. By the 1840 census they were living in Monmouth Co., NJ and that is where they died. A similar pattern exists for Jeremiah Bennett (1784-1852) and his wife Sarah. Many people believe that Benjamin and Jeremiah were brothers, but there is no proof. It is commonly believed that Jeremiah Bennett (1751-1812) and his wife Mary were their parents. However, Jeremiah, Sr. had at least 3 brothers - Joseph, Thomas and Theophilus, and there is very little known about any of them. Jeremiah, Sr. and his 3 brothers were all Loyalists.

This project was created to allow any male Bennett (or variant spelling) to have their Y-DNA tested at a group rate. As of January 2020, FTDNA has discontinued all group discounts because their regular prices are now much lower. For example, for the 37 marker test – the old price was $189. and with the group discount it was $149. Now the price is only $119.  FTDNA has also discontinued the 67 marker test (group rate was $248.) because the 111 marker test is now only $249.  Note - due to sales and promotions, these rates may not be accurate. So, for current rates, please refer to the ordering page.

We are able to accept donations to help any male Bennett get tested who cannot afford it themselves. This is a wonderful way to participate in the project when you are not personally eligible.


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