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  • 462 members

About us

The first goal of this project is to collect various Bennett Y-DNA samples. Any male Bennett (or variant spelling) is welcome to join. My personal goal is to obtain Y-DNA from the early Bennett settlers of Monmouth Co., NJ as well as New York City and the surrounding areas. The second goal is for good genetic markers to be established for the various Bennett lines so that current and future generations will be able to determine which line they are from. Ideally these markers will take us back across the Atlantic to either Holland, France or Great Britain, especially England. I would personally like to see and compare the Y-DNA results for descendants of John Bennet who died 1568 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England

If you know of a male Bennett that may like to join, please send them to this site. Any female Bennett who is interested in having her Bennett Y-DNA tested will need to find a male Bennett to be tested - ie brother, father, uncle, cousin, etc. Any non Bennett male, but with a Bennett ancestor, will need to find a direct male descendant from that Bennett line to be tested. This is because the Y-DNA is passed down only from father to son.

If you are a Bennett descendant and a member of the DAR, SAR or other lineage society, an historical society, or a genealogy society, etc. please consider placing an announcement in their newsletter about this project. If you are having a reunion where many Bennetts will be attending, please consider making up a flyer. If you need help with any of the above, just let me know.
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